
  • GS 2: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.


  • The article discusses the evolving dynamics of US-China relations under the Biden administration’s “responsible competition” strategy.
  • With growing economic tensions and differing views on engagement, the piece delves into recent high-level communications and diplomatic efforts in the Indo-Pacific region to strike a balance between competition and cooperation.
Source: SCMP

Biden’s Strategic Approach: “Responsible Competition”

  • The Biden administration adopts a nuanced China strategy termed as “responsible competition”.
  • This approach emphasizes cooperation where feasible and challenge where necessary.
  • President Biden’s commitment is to prevent a potential dangerous conflict stemming from this competition.
  • This strategy also underscores the importance of sustained high-level engagement between Washington and Beijing.

Divergent Views on US-China Engagement

  • Indian strategic thinkers express concerns over the sustainability of balancing competition and cooperation.
  • The fear is that excessive engagement may compromise the interests of America’s allies in favor of Beijing.
  • Despite the US being distant from Asia and facing no direct threats from China, there are inherent reasons to seek accommodation.
  • As the world’s leading economies with deep interdependence, both nations have real imperatives to engage.
  • However, evident contradictions persist between Washington’s and Beijing’s strategic interests.

Evolving Economic Landscape: Perceived Threats and Pushbacks

  • The increasing economic threat from China has led to a unified pushback strategy in Washington.
  • Democrats and Republicans largely concur on the need to counter China, with differences arising on the intensity of the pushback.
  • Some Republican factions advocate for a more aggressive approach, including rolling back Chinese influence and removing the Chinese Communist Party from power.
  • The current emphasis is on President Biden’s “responsible competition” strategy, diverging from the previous administration’s stance.

Engagement Dynamics: Recent Developments and High-Level Communications

  • Noteworthy engagements include a significant telephone conversation between President Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
  • This communication follows the high-level engagement that began in Bali in 2022 on the sidelines of the G20 summit.
  • Xi’s US visit for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum signaled intentions to stabilize bilateral relations and initiate dialogues on multiple fronts.
  • US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s extended tour to China underscores efforts to maintain a balanced economic relationship while addressing concerns.

Biden’s Indo-Pacific Diplomacy: Strengthening Alliances and Partnerships

  • Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s recent White House visit highlights the importance the Biden administration places on the Indo-Pacific region.
  • This summit aims to deepen military technological partnerships between the US and Japan.
  • Japan’s commitment to bolster its defense capabilities signifies a shift from its post-war pacifist stance, marking a significant change in regional geopolitics.
  • The US’s push to integrate Japan into the AUKUS initiative aims to harness Japan’s technological prowess against China.

Minilateralism in Asian Security: Beyond Bilateral Alliances

  • The Biden administration is moving towards a strategy of creating overlapping minilateral institutions to address regional security.
  • The Quad arrangement, including India, Australia, Japan, and the US, exemplifies this approach.
  • Trilateral summits with Japan and South Korea and the “Chip Four alliance” emphasize the importance of collective action in the region.
  • Biden’s efforts to strengthen coalitions and encourage partnerships among Asian countries aim to foster a web of security networks.
  • The objective is to pool regional military resources, enhance deterrence against common threats, and ensure sustained peace.

Contrasting US and Chinese Strategies: A Complex Geopolitical Dance

  • The US strategy in the Indo-Pacific focuses on bolstering alliances, fostering new partnerships, and promoting independent cooperation among its Asian partners.
  • China, on the other hand, seeks to revive bilateral ties with the US and gain Washington’s endorsement of its primacy in Asia.
  • Beijing’s failure to address political or territorial concerns with its neighbors is giving Washington’s neighbors, including Delhi, greater agency.
  • While Washington’s approach provides room for Beijing’s neighbors to maneuver, China’s grand bargain strategy seems to sideline its regional allies.
  • At present, there’s limited evidence suggesting China is reconsidering its Asian strategy amidst this evolving geopolitical dynamic.

Challenges in US-China Relations

  1. Divergent Strategic Views: Balancing competition and cooperation is a significant challenge, with differing opinions between the Biden administration’s “responsible competition” approach and critics advocating for a more aggressive stance.
  2. Economic Tensions: The growing economic threat posed by China, particularly in technology sectors like solar panels and electric vehicles, creates friction and potential for tariff wars.
  3. Regional Power Dynamics: China’s increasing influence in Asia raises concerns in Washington about being nudged out of the region, leading to a unified pushback strategy.
  4. Complex Alliances: The varying views on engagement with China risk overshadowing the interests of America’s allies, potentially compromising relationships with nations like India and Japan.
  5. Security Concerns: The assertive security roles adopted by countries like Japan signify a shift in regional geopolitics, potentially escalating tensions in the Indo-Pacific.
  6. Strategic Minilateralism: While the US aims to foster regional security through minilateral institutions, China’s bilateral approach may undermine collective action and cooperation.

Way Forward in US-China Relations

  1. Engagement and Dialogue: Continuous high-level engagement, as seen with the Biden-Xi Jinping phone call and Treasury Secretary Yellen’s China tour, is essential to maintain open channels of communication.
  2. Balanced Economic Relationship: The US should strive for a mutually beneficial economic relationship with China while addressing concerns related to dominant positions in key technology sectors.
  3. Strengthen Alliances: Deepening military and technological partnerships with key allies like Japan through initiatives like AUKUS can help maintain a strong deterrent against potential threats.
  4. Promote Minilateralism: Encourage the formation and strengthening of minilateral institutions like the Quad to address regional security challenges collectively.
  5. Encourage Regional Cooperation: The US should foster partnerships among Asian countries to build a web of security networks that can collectively address common challenges.
  6. Reevaluate and Adjust Strategy: Both the US and China need to continuously assess and possibly recalibrate their strategies to adapt to the evolving geopolitical landscape and ensure stability in the region.


Navigating the complex US-China relationship requires a delicate balance of strategic engagement and competition. While Washington emphasizes strengthening alliances and fostering regional partnerships, Beijing aims to solidify its influence in Asia. As both nations juggle their priorities, the world watches closely to see how these geopolitical maneuvers unfold in the Indo-Pacific region.

Source:The Hindu

Mains Practicer Question:

Discuss how recent diplomatic efforts in the Indo-Pacific region shaped the dynamics between the two superpowers? Evaluate the challenges and opportunities presented by this strategic approach for regional stability and global geopolitics.



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