
  • GS 1 : Population and Associated Issues
  • GS 2 : Government Policies and interventions

Why in News?

  • The article highlights the alarming rise in suicide rates in India, with the country recording the highest number of suicides globally.
  • The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reported a staggering 1.71 lakh suicides in 2022, marking an all-time high.
Source: Scroll

Alarming Suicide Rates

  • Disturbing Statistics: India is confronted with the distressing reality of having the highest suicide rates globally.
  • Record High: The NCRB’s 2022 data highlights a concerning figure of 1.71 lakh suicides, marking an all-time high.
  • Critical Crisis: The suicide rate has surged to 12.4 per 1,00,000 individuals, signaling a critical public health crisis.
  • Youth Impact: Young individuals below 30 years constitute a significant portion, accounting for 41% of all suicide cases.
  • Women Affected: Suicide stands as the primary cause of mortality among young Indian women.
  • Urgent Concern: Shockingly, every eight minutes, a young Indian succumbs to suicide, emphasizing the urgency of addressing this issue.
About National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

  • Founded in 1986 to manage crime and criminal information.
  • Operates under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India.
  • Established based on recommendations from the Tandon Committee, National Police Commission (1977-1981), and Home Ministry Task Force.
  • Responsible for gathering and analyzing crime data, aiding investigators in crime and criminal tracing.
  • Headquarters located in New Delhi.

Key Initiatives and Responsibilities:

  • In 2009, entrusted with monitoring and implementing the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System (CCTNS) project, linking 15,000 police stations and 6,000 high offices nationwide.
  • Launched the National Digital Police Portal in 2017, enabling police access to the CCTNS database and providing citizens online complaint filing services.
  • Maintains the National Database of Sexual Offenders (NDSO) and regularly shares it with States/UTs.
  • Designated as the Central Nodal Agency for the ‘Online Cyber-Crime Reporting Portal’, allowing citizens to report cybercrimes, including child pornography and rape/gang rape incidents.
  • Introduced CyTrain, an online portal for cybercrime investigation and prosecution training.
  • Oversees the Central Finger Print Bureau, the national repository for all fingerprints in India.

Additional Functions:

  • Compiles and publishes National Crime Statistics, including Crime in India, Accidental Deaths & Suicides, and Prison Statistics.
  • Assists States in IT capacity building, CCTNS, Finger Prints, Network security, and Digital Forensics through training centers in Delhi and Kolkata.

Suicide Determinants:

  • Multifaceted Issue: Suicide is a multifaceted issue influenced by various factors, including biological, psychological, familial, and societal aspects.
  • Mental Health: Mental health challenges are prevalent risk factors among Indian adolescents, with 54% citing them as a reason for suicidal tendencies.
  • Family Conflicts: Family conflicts and negative familial experiences contribute to 36% of youth suicides.
  • Academic Pressures: Academic pressures, stemming from a competitive education system, are responsible for 23% of suicides.
  • Social Challenges: Social challenges, including violence and discrimination, impact 20% of young individuals.
  • Economic & Relationship Issues: Economic distress and relationship issues also play a role, accounting for 9.1% and 9% of youth suicides respectively.

Impacts of Technology and Media

  • Technological Influence: The rise of technology and media has significantly impacted the mental well-being of the youth.
  • Internet Addiction: A meta-analysis from 19 Indian states revealed that nearly 20% of college students are addicted to the internet.
  • Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is rampant, affecting one-third of young individuals, with a third of this subset exhibiting suicidal tendencies.
  • Social Media Usage: Excessive social media usage, over two hours daily, correlates with increased suicidal ideation among teens.
  • Media Sensationalism: Sensationalized media coverage, especially of celebrity suicides, has been linked to spikes in suicidal behaviors.
  • Search Surges: Following a prominent actor’s suicide, there was a notable surge in online searches related to “how to commit suicide.”

Charting a Path Forward: Solutions and Strategies

  • Prevention Potential: Despite prevalent beliefs, suicides can be prevented through proactive measures and interventions.
  • Youth Skills: Equipping youth with problem-solving, impulse control, and emotional regulation skills is crucial.
  • Early Detection: Early detection of mental health issues and provision of youth-friendly support services can be life-saving.
  • Holistic Wellness: Adopting a holistic wellness approach, including physical activity, balanced nutrition, and digital well-being, promotes mental health.
  • Systemic Challenges: Addressing systemic challenges like domestic violence, economic disparities, and discrimination is vital for sustainable prevention.
  • Educational Reforms: Educational reforms emphasizing reduced academic stress and mental health education are essential.

The National Suicide Prevention Strategy: A Unified Approach

  • Task Force Initiative: The establishment of a task force in 2019 marked a significant stride towards a cohesive national strategy.
  • 2030 Objective: The strategy aims to reduce suicide rates by 10% by 2030, emphasizing collaboration across various ministries.
  • Role of Institutions: Educational institutions and youth organizations are pivotal in promoting mental health and reducing addictive behaviours.
  • Implementation Steps: Immediate actions include the widespread dissemination of the strategy, ensuring adequate budgetary allocations, and grassroots-level implementation.
  • Community Engagement: Leveraging community engagement and inter-ministerial collaboration are central to the strategy’s success.
  • Grassroots Implementation: Implementation of the strategy at the state, district, and community levels is crucial for effective suicide prevention.


Addressing the youth suicide epidemic in India requires a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach involving various stakeholders. By fostering resilience, promoting mental well-being, and addressing systemic challenges, India can mitigate the youth suicide crisis and pave the way for a brighter future.



Mains Practice Question:

Discuss the factors contributing to the rising suicide rates among youth in India. Examine the strategies proposed to address this critical public health issue, highlighting the role of multi-sectoral collaboration and community engagement in suicide prevention.

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