
  • GS 3 : Climate Change , Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.

Why in the News?

  • 2023 marked the hottest year in recorded history according to the ‘State of the Global Climate’ report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Alarming Climate Trends

  • The global average temperature has risen by 1.45 °C from pre-industrial levels, nearing the critical limit of 1.5 °C set by global agreements.
  • Records were shattered in 2023 with rising ocean temperatures, glacier retreat, diminishing Antarctic ice cover, and increased sea levels.
  • The frequency of extreme weather events such as heatwaves, torrential rains, and tropical cyclones has increased globally.
Source: India Times
  • Extreme weather events have disrupted various sectors, including agriculture, and have a significant impact on socio-economic developments.
About State of Global Climate Report 2023 :

·    Published annually by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

·    Collaborative effort involving experts from UN bodies, NMHSs, Global Data and Analysis Centers, Regional Climate Centres, WCRP, GAW, Global Cryosphere Watch, and Copernicus Climate Change Service operated by ECMWF.

Key Highlights from the 2023 Report:

·    2023 marked the hottest year recorded, with temperatures at 1.45°C above pre-industrial levels.

·    The decade ending in 2023 was the warmest ten-year period on record.

·    Records for various climate indicators, including GHG levels, surface temperatures, ocean heat, sea level rise, Antarctic sea ice cover, and glacier retreat, were shattered.

·    About one-third of the global ocean was affected by a marine heatwave daily, impacting ecosystems and food systems.

·    Over 90% of the ocean experienced heatwave conditions at some point in 2023.

·    The global reference glaciers saw the most significant ice loss since 1950, especially in western North America and Europe.

·    Renewable capacity increased by nearly 50% from 2022, reaching 510 GW, the highest in two decades.

About World Meteorological Organisation (WMO):

·    Specialized agency of the United Nations (UN).

·    Authority on Earth’s atmosphere, its oceans interaction, resulting climate, and water resource distribution.

·    Originated from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) established in 1873.

·    Founded in 1950, WMO specializes in meteorology, operational hydrology, and related geophysical sciences.

·    Headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland.

·    Membership spans 191 countries.

Governance Structure:

·    World Meteorological Congress: Supreme body with representatives from all member countries, meets every four years to set policies.

·    Executive Council: Comprising 36 members, meets annually to implement policy.

·    Secretariat: Administrative hub headed by a secretary-general serving a four-year term appointed by the congress.

Environmental Impact of Industrial Progress

  • Since the mid-18th century, industrial progress has significantly improved the quality of life through mechanization and technological innovations.
  • However, increased exploitation of natural resources has resulted in adverse environmental impacts.
  • Dependency on fossil fuels has led to substantial greenhouse gas emissions, contributing directly to global warming.
  • Industrial activities have led to pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction, further exacerbating environmental issues.
  • The environmental cost of industrialization is becoming increasingly evident, posing challenges to sustainable development.

The Paris Agreement and National Initiatives

  • The Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty since November 2016, aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 °C and strive for 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.
  • Many nations, including India, have introduced measures to reduce carbon emissions and transition towards renewable energy sources.
  • India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) includes missions like the National Solar Mission and the National Green Hydrogen Mission, demonstrating a commitment to energy transition.
  • Renewable energy initiatives and sustainable practices are being promoted globally to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.
  • Collaborative efforts between nations are essential to address climate change collectively and achieve the objectives set out in the Paris Agreement.


  • Questioning the Effectiveness of Climate Action: Despite the positive intent shown by nations post the Paris Agreement, the recent WMO report raises concerns about the adequacy and timeliness of global actions.
  • Public Commitments and Expectations: Are the measures taken too late, insufficient, or failing to meet public commitments? The urgency of addressing climate change has never been greater.
  • Dependency on Fossil Fuels: The continued reliance on fossil fuels contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating global warming and environmental degradation.
  • Lack of Comprehensive Policies: While some progress has been made, the lack of comprehensive policies and strategies hampers effective climate action.
  • Financial and Technological Barriers: Financial constraints and technological limitations pose challenges to implementing sustainable solutions and transitioning to renewable energy sources.

Opportunity During Election Season

  • With election season underway in many democracies, including India, political campaigns are in full swing with promises and debates.
  • The timing of the WMO report is opportune to steer discussions on climate change across the political spectrum.
  • Public awareness and concern about climate change are growing, making it a significant issue for voters.
  • Political parties have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership and vision by prioritizing climate action in their agendas.
  • The electorate is eager to hear parties’ stands on climate change and expects clear action plans to address this critical issue.

Role of Political Parties

  • The climate crisis should be a focal point for all political parties, prompting them to articulate clear action plans and raise public awareness on climate change.
  • While political differences may exist, addressing climate change should be a shared priority for the larger public interest.
  • Parties should outline steps to mitigate the impact of global warming on India and demonstrate leadership on climate action to position India as a responsible global player.
  • Collaboration between political parties, government bodies, and civil society is essential to develop and implement effective climate policies.
  • Public engagement and participation are crucial to holding political parties accountable for their commitments and ensuring the implementation of climate action plans.

Way Forward

  • Enhanced Public Awareness: Political parties must commit themselves to enhancing public awareness on climate change and its implications through education and outreach programs.
  • Clear Action Plans: Parties should articulate clear and comprehensive action plans to reduce global warming, transition to renewable energy sources, and mitigate the impact of climate change.
  • Global Leadership: India should aim to lead by example on climate action, aligning its strategies with global commitments and demonstrating its commitment to a sustainable future.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Collaborative efforts between political parties, government bodies, and civil society are essential to address the challenges posed by climate change effectively.
  • Policy Implementation and Monitoring: Effective implementation and monitoring of climate policies are crucial to ensuring that commitments are met and tangible progress is achieved.


As India grapples with election fever, the urgent need to address climate change should not be overlooked by political parties. Voters eagerly await parties’ stands on this critical issue, which is integral to India’s future prosperity and



Mains Practice Question:

Discuss the significance of the recent ‘State of the Global Climate’ report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in the context of India’s election season. Analyze the environmental impact of industrial progress, the challenges posed by climate change, and the role of political parties in addressing this critical issue.

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