Why in the news?

India-EFTA Trade Agreement signed, aiming for deeper economic ties. Investment targets, tariff elimination, and service liberalisation are key components.


About Key Components of India-EFTA Trade Agreement:

  • TEPA aims for $100 billion investment from EFTA countries into India, creating one million jobs over 15 years.
  • India retains the right to withdraw tariff concessions if investment targets aren’t met.
  • Conditions include India’s GDP growth of 9.9% and EFTA’s investment returns exceeding 16% annually.
What is the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)?

●   An intergovernmental organisation promoting free trade and economic integration for its four Member States: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

●   Established by the Stockholm Convention on January 4, 1960, as an alternative trade bloc to the European Economic Community.

●   Maintaining the EFTA Convention, managing the EEA Agreement, and developing free trade agreements globally.