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Fast Breeder Reactor core loading at Kalpakkam signifies advancement in India’s nuclear power program, enhancing energy security plans.


About Core Loading at Kalpakkam Fast Breeder Reactor:

  • The commencement of “core loading” at Kalpakkam Fast Breeder Reactor signifies a significant milestone in India’s three-stage nuclear power plan.
  • Core loading involves placing nuclear fuel assemblies into the reactor’s core, initiating the process towards achieving criticality and generating power.
  • India’s Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) program, initiated two decades ago, aims to develop comprehensive capabilities across the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium extraction to power generation.
What is a Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)?

●  It utilises fast neutrons to trigger the fission of uranium-238, unlike traditional reactors.

●   These reactors are dubbed “breeders” because they generate more fissile material, such as Plutonium-239, than they consume.