Why in the news?

  • Rising consumer demand for milk amidst inflation poses challenges.
  • Increase in procurement prices due to higher costs of fodder, feed, and raw materials further strains the dairy industry.

Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) Findings:

  • HCES data identifies milk as the primary food expenditure item in both rural and urban India.
  • In rural areas, monthly per capita spending on milk outstrips expenses on vegetables, cereals, and egg, fish, and meat.
  • Urban areas mirror this trend, with milk expenditure surpassing that of fruits, vegetables, and cereals.
What is White Revolution?

●      White Revolution, India’s milk production boost program, started in 1970.

●      Led by Prof. Verghese Kurien, it established NDDB.

●      Focused on cooperative societies, Gujarat’s Anand District saw notable success.

About Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES):

●      HCES aims to understand household spending habits and living standards.

●      Conducted by the NSSO, the 2022-23 survey offers insights into rural and urban consumption patterns.

●      NSSO has conducted these surveys every five years since 1972-73.