Why in the news?

Recent notification of Thanthai Periyar Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu raised concerns among forest-dwellers.

source: IE

About Concerns of Forest-Dwellers:

  • They fear denial of their rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (FRA).
  • Allegations of district and state administrations violating relevant laws surfaced.
Forest Rights Act 2006 (FRA)

FRA, 2006 aimed to recognize and vest forest rights of Scheduled Tribes and traditional forest dwellers.

Related acts and provisions

●    Wildlife Protection Act 1972: Bans capturing, killing, or trading wild animals except in Jammu and Kashmir.

●    1988 National Forest Policy: Aims environmental stability, conserving natural forests

●    PESA 1996: Protects tribal traditions, grants Gram Sabha consultation rights in land acquisition