Why in the news?

  • The Centre decided to extend health coverage to Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) and Anganwadi workers and helpers under Ayushman Bharat scheme.

About Inclusion of ASHAs and Anganwadi Workers in Health Cover:

  • Inclusion of ASHAs and Anganwadi Workers in Health Cover:
  • More than 3 lakh ASHA workers and 23 lakh Anganwadi workers provided Aadhaar details for enrollment.
  • Card Preparation and Scheme Implementation:
  • Health Ministry aims to issue healthcare cards by month-end for the scheme starting March 1, 2024.
  • Ayushman Bharat offers coverage up to ₹5 lakh annually for needy families.
Key Features of ASHA

·    ASHA Programme Origin:

o   Launched in 2005-06 under National Rural Health Mission, extended to urban areas in 2013.

o   Inspired by WHO monograph and Alma Ata conference on primary health care.

o   Model influenced by Chhattisgarh’s Mitanin initiative starting in 2002.

●  Age and Role:

o   ASHA, aged 25-45, serves as the primary health contact for rural populations, particularly women and children.

●  Density Norms:

o   Norm of “1 ASHA per 1000 population,” with flexibility based on locality characteristics.

·    Program Statistics:

o   India has over 13 lakh Anganwadi workers and 10 lakh helpers.

There are 9.83 lakh ASHAs across 35 states and UTs, making it the world’s largest volunteer program