Why in the news?

The Supreme Court of India’s stinging observations about how the Mayor of Chandigarh was elected have verified suspicions that Manoj Sonkar, the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate, won through manipulation.

Manipulation of Chandigarh Mayor Poll 

  • The Chief Justice of India called the election a “mockery of democracy” after seeing footage of the videotaped voting procedure and finding it shocking because the presiding officer himself seemed to be tampering with the ballots.
  • Upon the announcement of the BJP’s victory in the election, many observed that the January 30th election was a travesty since eight of the elected councillors’ votes were overturned.

How Are Mayoral Elections Held?

  • The Mayor is elected by the 35 Councillors and the Member of Parliament for Chandigarh and a show of hands or members raising their hands in favour of the various candidates is a straightforward procedure for a relatively small elected body to choose its mayor.
  • Voting slips were required for them to record their preferences, which suggests that there was a suspicion of probable cross-voting.

 Why was the procedure questionable?

  • Masih, who presided over the election, was accused of failing to show the ‘invalid’ ballot papers to the contestants.
  • Therefore, the precise reason behind the invalidation of these votes which were probably ones that should have gone to the AAP candidate was unknown.

Implication of such Allegation 

  • Democracy is Threatened: Even if the development only affects one municipal corporation nationwide, democracy is seriously threatened by the notion that an election may be so blatantly rigged.
  • Diminishing Character of National Parties: It is impossible to regard a political party hoping to win re-election to the national Parliament for a third time as electoral manipulation of this kind.
  • Judicial Intervention Required: Justice will serve only if the election is declared void and a new one is held with protections against tampering and the Supreme Court did the right thing by directing that the votes and records be turned over to the High Court’s Registrar-General and the intended Corporation meeting be postponed until further notice.

India is known as the “Mother of Democracy.”

  • Ancient Era:
    • India has a rich and lengthy history of democracy and this proves that the Indian subcontinent has long adhered to democratic ideals.
    • It has been said that the relationship between the ruled and the ruler is comparable to that of a father and his children.
    • In Indian democracy, the idea of Dharma, or responsibility, is essential. It includes the king’s (Raja Dharma) and the people’s (Praja Dharma) duties.
  • Democracy as a Fundamental Principle:
  • Indian democracy’s fundamental principles of equality, freedom, peace, acceptability, and inclusivity serve as the cornerstone for the dignified lives of its people;
  • Democratic family structures emphasize the importance of family and inclusive decision-making; women’s participation in assemblies is indicative of early democratic processes’ inclusivity.
  • India’s democratic basis, based on social values and historical developments, stresses Dharma-driven, enduring democratic ideals that define the responsibilities of both the ruled and the ruled;
  • The historical legacy of participatory democracy emphasizes the public’s role in choosing and endorsing leaders, emphasizing the legitimacy of the ruler and the significance of popular consent—akin to a protective father guaranteeing the well-being of his children.
  • Democratic-Spiritual-Social Ethos: 
    • The Philosophical Foundation of Democracy “The Rigveda, an ancient Indian text, states “Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti”, or “The Supreme Reality is One, the sages call Him by various names.”
    • Democracy is based on equality and for millennia, Indian philosophers, saints, and poets have acknowledged and emphasized the significance of this.

Way Forward

  • India’s citizens have played an essential function in maintaining its democracy and hence every Indian must select and elect the most qualified candidate for the position for democracy to function effectively.
  • To revitalize the concept of Earth as an imagination, civil society must transcend the nation-state. India needs to reconsider its approach to peace and it must transcend the formal definitions of boundaries and security.


Mains Question:

Is the future of Indian democracy secure? Evaluate critically.

Source: The Hindu