Why in the News?

  • National Achievement Survey (NAS) reveals equal learning outcomes for boys and girls in elementary and secondary classes nationwide.
  • Mathematics test scores demonstrate consistent equality, showcasing gender equity in academic performance.
Source :IE

About Survey Outcomes :

  • Despite increased education for girls, the gender gap in mean years of schooling has widened over two decades.
  • Improvement for both genders, but the gender gap increased from 2.4 to 3.5 years, deviating from global trends.
  • Gender disparities surface in early childhood education, with more boys enrolled in private institutions.
  • The gender gap in total enrollment begins at age four and widens by age eight, underscoring the need for Early Childhood Education (ECE) focus to eliminate gender stereotypes.)
About National Achievement Survey


·    Nationwide survey evaluating learning outcomes and education system health.

·    Largest sample-based education survey conducted across India.

·    The Ministry of Education spearheads the initiative.

·    CBSE managed NAS 2021, designed by NCERT.

Purpose and Scope:

·    Assesses school education effectiveness on a system-wide level.

·    Collects data on school environment, teaching processes, and student background factors.

·    Encompasses all school types: Government (State and Central), Government-aided, and Private schools nationwide.