Why in the News?

  • India supports Iran’s missile strike on alleged terror camps in Pakistan, deeming it an act of “self-defence.”
  • The Ministry acknowledges the bilateral nature of the issue, refrains from commenting on Iran’s other strikes.

About India – Iran relation :

Chabahar Port

Source: stagecraft
  • Positioned strategically, Chabahar Port grants access to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.
  • Located outside the Persian Gulf, offering a significant advantage for landlocked nations, particularly Afghanistan and Central Asian states.
  • Envisioned as a crucial trade corridor, linking India, Iran, and Afghanistan.
  • Provides an alternative route for Indian goods to reach Afghanistan and Central Asia, bypassing Pakistan.
  • Connected to Afghanistan’s road and rail networks, facilitating seamless movement of goods.
  • Offers Afghanistan an alternative to its historical reliance on Pakistani ports, reducing dependency and providing diversification.