Why in the News?

  • India, through the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) and other institutions, is now part of the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO), the world’s largest radio telescope project.

About SKAO :

  • Square Kilometre Array is an international radio telescope project.
  • Its inception dates back to the 1990s.
  • The SKAO project involves 20 countries, spanning South Africa and Australia.
  • SKA is an array of antennas, not a single telescope, strategically positioned in two continents.
  • SKAO aims to study celestial phenomena, including gravitational waves, and enhance astronomical observations, peering over 3,000 trillion km into the universe.
Source: ICRAR

India’s Contribution :

  • India’s key role in SKAO involves developing and managing the Telescope Manager, a vital software component.
  • The Indian government’s approval, backed by Rs 1,250 crore, signals the initial step towards formal SKAO membership.
Radio Telescope

A radio telescope is a specialized instrument designed to detect and receive radio-frequency emissions from celestial objects. It captures and amplifies weak radio signals, enabling astronomers to study radio waves emitted by stars, galaxies, and other astronomical phenomena, providing insights into the universe’s structure and behaviour.