Iran waives visa requirements


  • Iran has unilaterally decided to lift the visa requirements for travelers from 33 additional nations, including India. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates are also on the list.
  • The decision will allow citizens of 45 nations or territories to visit Iran without a visa going forward.
  • The goal of the decision is to increase international tourist arrivals and draw more travelers from other nations. Increased tourism can counteract anti-Iranian campaigns, according to the Iranian Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts.

India – Iran relation

  • India and Iran have historical ties that date back to Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilizations.
  • Trade existed between the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, connecting the coasts of southern Iran and India.
  • Excavations at Ur, Susa, and Kish in Iran have revealed a few Indus seals.
  • Silver, copper, turquoise, and lapis lazuli are thought to have been imported by the Harappan people from Persia and Afghanistan.
  • Ancient India received supplies of silver, gold, lead, zinc, and turquoise from Iran. India was the source of the imported ivory.
  • Iran is a significant country close to India; in fact, until India’s partition and independence in 1947, the two nations shared a border.
  • Iran and independent India established diplomatic ties on March 15, 1950. Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru traveled to Iran in September 1959, while the Shah traveled to India in February or March 1956.
  • Following the Iranian Revolution of 1979, high-level visits were exchanged as part of a new phase of engagement between Iran and India.
  • Trade relation in modern era: Indian imports of Iranian crude oil have long dominated trade relations between India and Iran and India’s main supplier of crude oil has been Iran.