PM greetings on occasion of Hanukkah


  • On the occasion of Hanukkah, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sent greetings to the Jewish community in India and around the globe.
  • The prime minister expressed his hope in his message that everyone would experience peace, hope, and brightness during this festival.

About Hanukkah

  • Chanukah is another name for Hanukkah.
  • Eight days and nights are devoted to the Jewish Festival of Lights, which commemorates a 2,000-year-old miracle in which light triumphed over darkness.
  • It commemorates the rededication of Jerusalem’s Second Temple in the second century BC, when Jews are said to have revolted against their Greek-Syrian oppressors there during the Maccabean Revolt.
  • As per the religious calendar of the Jewish community, Hanukkah falls on the 25th day of Kislev and lasts until the second day of Teslev, which is a particularly holy day called Zos Chanukah.

About Hanukkah symbol

  • The most well-known representation of Hanukkah is the nine-branched candlestick, or hanukkiah, which is lit every night.
  • According to legend, eight days could be obtained from one day’s worth of oil.
  • The Hanukkah menorah contains nine candles because of this: one for each of the eight days and one to light the remaining candles.


About Judaism

●  The story of Judaism’s thousands-year history is intricate and multidimensional.

●  It is regarded as the original Abrahamic faith (which includes Islam and Christianity) and is one of the oldest religions in the world, having existed for almost 4,000 years.

●  Judaism is a monotheistic religion in which there is only one God, revealed to humanity through prophets such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Solomon, and others.

●  Jews have experienced religious persecution throughout history, which resulted in the deaths of roughly 6 million of them during the Holocaust.

●  Understanding the Jewish faith, which has a rich and significant legacy of law, culture, and tradition, requires an understanding of Judaism’s history.

Origin of Judaism

●  Abraham, the patriarch who is regarded as the father of the Jewish people, is the source of Judaism.

●  Biblical tradition holds that God made a covenant with Abraham in which He promised to make a great nation out of his descendants.

●  Jewish identity is based primarily on the narratives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve tribes of Israel.

●  The Exodus from Egypt, led by Moses, is one of the pivotal moments in Jewish history.

●  The biblical story states that God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and other laws on Mount Sinai.

●  The creation of the Jewish identity and the covenant between God and the Israelites are fundamentally based on this event.