On Nashamukti Diwas, Chief Minister of Bihar declared a new “house-to-house” survey to gauge the impact of liquor prohibition in Bihar.

Set to commence in mid-December, the move follows concerns despite multiple amendments to the Bihar Prohibition and Excise (Amendment) Act, 2016.

Constitutional Framework:

Article 47 in the Constitution of India outlines the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP), emphasizing the State’s commitment to strive for the prohibition of the consumption, excluding medicinal purposes, of intoxicating drinks and health-hazardous drugs.

The Bihar Case:

  • History of Prohibition:
    • Implemented on April 5, 2016, the Bihar government introduced total prohibition under the Bihar Prohibition and Excise (Amendment) Act, 2016, amending the Bihar Excise Act, 1915.
    • Despite amendments, the efficacy of the ban has been a matter of debate.
  • Challenges and Criticisms: 
    • Challenges persist, evident in tragedies and the illegal influx of liquor from neighboring states and countries. 
    • The judicial system faces a backlog of prohibition-related cases, raising concerns about the law’s enforcement.
  • Scope of the New Survey: 
    • The upcoming “house-to-house” survey aims to cover a minimum of 2,500 households in all 38 districts, seeking opinions on the liquor ban’s impact, family economics, social status, and improved quality of life.
    • The survey, conducted digitally, will span 12 weeks.
  • Government’s Stance:
    • Despite criticism, Government defends the prohibition, emphasizing its continuation.
    • Government acknowledges the need to strengthen implementation, addressing loopholes to make the ban more effective and stringent.
  • Previous Surveys:
    • Two prior surveys (August 2018 and February 2023) initiated by the state government presented varying perspectives.
    • While the first highlighted positive impacts, the second revealed a mixed response, with a percentage still consuming liquor.

Reason for a Fresh Survey:

    • The government, despite three amendments to the prohibition law, faces challenges with thriving illegal liquor trade.
    • Regular raids and awareness programs have not halted the illegal supply.
    • The new survey aims to identify areas for improvement based on current realities.

Government anticipates introducing new measures based on the findings of the fresh survey, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of prohibition laws in Bihar.