India Internet Governance Forum (IIGF) 2023

  • The “IIGF 2023” is scheduled for today i.e. 5th Dec. 2023, in New Delhi and it is a multi-stakeholder platform that brings together representatives from different groups for discussion about Internet-related public policy issues.
  • The event’s theme is “Moving Forward – Calibrating Bharat’s Digital Agenda.”
  • According to the Ministry of Electronics and IT, the purpose of the event is to have a conversation about topics like bridging divides, adjusting Bharat’s digital agenda, enabling innovation for India’s developmental goals, and creating a safe, reliable, and resilient cyberspace for the country.
  • The IIGF is a project affiliated with the United Nations Internet Governance Forum.
Internet Governance Forum (IIGF)

●  The World Summit on the Information Society in 2005 produced the Tunis Agenda, which gave rise to the Internet Generic Framework.

●  In compliance with the guidelines outlined in the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, the United Nations Secretary-General has called the IGF meetings every year since its founding in 2006.

●  It is a UN Internet Governance Forum (UN-IGF)-related initiative and UN-IGF is a multi-stakeholder forum that convenes representatives of diverse groups, all of whom are deemed equally qualified to deliberate on Internet-related public policy matters.

Internet connectivity in India:

●  Internet advantages: Enhanced output; financial autonomy; easier access to information; etc…

●  With more than 800 million users, India is the world’s most “connected” country.

●  With 5G and the largest rural broadband connectivity network project at BharatNet, the global internet will have 1.2 billion Indian users, making up the majority of its user base.

●  Additionally, India has made the internet more accessible to nations in the Global South that have not been able to keep up with the rate at which their economies are becoming internalized and digitalized.