Where Alan Turing started it

London Summit on safe use of Al is likely to lay out important markers for the unfolding global discourse on its regulation. As an active contributor, India will have to find its own voice on the issue


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  • Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and development of new technology.
  • Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.
  • Tags: #AISUMMIT #AI #UK #AlanTuring #currentaffairs #upsc

Why in the News?

US Vice President Kamala Harris arrives in London ahead of AI safety summit. The London Summit, chaired by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, is set to address the pressing issue of governing Artificial Intelligence (AI). Held at Bletchley Park, the summit aims to gather world leaders, including US Vice President Kamala Harris, and industry experts to discuss the safe and beneficial use of AI.

Tracing the Origins of AI: Alan Turing’s Legacy

  • Bletchley Park, the chosen venue for the summit, is a historical site where early research on AI was pioneered by Alan Turing during World War II.
  • Often hailed as the “father of AI,” Turing’s groundbreaking work on deciphering the German “Enigma” code laid the foundation for AI development.
  • Despite the dominance of the US and China in the current AI landscape, Britain retains its status as a significant hub for AI research and development.

Global Actions and Political Initiatives

  • Various governments are already taking steps towards AI governance. President Joe Biden issued an executive order in the US to establish new standards for AI safety and security.
  • The European Union is discussing a comprehensive regulatory framework, while China has outlined principles for international cooperation in AI governance.
  • The United Nations has also set up an advisory body to assess the risks and opportunities of AI on a global scale.

The London Summit’s Modest Ambitions

  • Focused on ensuring the safe and widespread beneficial use of AI, the summit seeks to address the fears and dangers associated with AI technology.
  • A discussion paper released by the British government highlights potential risks, from the spread of disinformation to concerns about the misuse of AI for assembling weapons.

Challenges in AI Regulation

  • The summit faces several challenges, notably the divide between regulation and promotion. While some advocate for a complete ban or moratorium on AI development, industry players are cautious of over-regulation that might stifle innovation.
  • There’s also a debate on defining “frontier AI,” with critics emphasizing immediate challenges like algorithmic bias rather than doomsday scenarios.

Navigating Core Challenges in AI Governance

  • Unlike historical technology development led by governments, AI development today is primarily driven by large digital corporations.
  • The summit aims to provide crucial guidelines for the ongoing global discourse on AI regulation, recognizing the need for collaboration and setting standards to address emerging concerns.

India’s Role in AI Governance

  • India, having played a significant role in 20th-century discussions on regulating advanced technologies, now stands as a contributor to global AI development.
  • The country must find its voice in the conversation on AI governance, leveraging its expertise and perspective in shaping the regulatory landscape.


In summary, the London Summit on AI governance holds the potential to establish critical benchmarks for the evolving global dialogue on regulating AI. It is an opportunity for countries and industry leaders to collaborate and shape the future of AI for the benefit of society while addressing potential risks.

London Summit on Safe Use of AI

Date: November 1, 2023

Location: London, UK

Purpose: To bring together leaders from government, industry, and academia to discuss the safe and responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Key takeaways

  • AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, but it is important to ensure that it is used safely and ethically.
  • There are a number of risks associated with AI, such as the potential for bias, misuse, and loss of control.
  • It is important to develop international norms and standards for the safe and responsible use of AI.
  • Governments, industry, and academia must work together to mitigate the risks of AI and ensure that it is used for good.

Facts and details about the summit

  • The summit will be attended by over 500 delegates from over 30 countries.
  • The speakers include government ministers, industry CEOs, and leading academics.

The summit will cover a wide range of topics, including the following:

1.The risks and benefits of AI

2.How to mitigate the risks of AI

3.The development of international norms and standards for the safe and responsible use of AI

4.The role of government, industry, and academia in promoting the safe and responsible use of AI

The London Summit on Safe Use of AI is a timely and important event. As AI becomes increasingly powerful and pervasive, it is essential to have a global conversation about how to use it safely and ethically. The summit will provide a platform for leaders from government, industry, and academia to share their knowledge and expertise, and to develop concrete steps to mitigate the risks of AI and ensure that it is used for good.


Alan Turing

Alan Turing’s Significance

  • Born on June 23, 1912, Turing was a British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and computer scientist.
  • Notably, he formalized the concepts of “algorithm” and “computation” with the invention of the Turing machine, pivotal in the development of the modern computer.
  • He’s widely recognized as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence.

Personal Persecution

  • Turing was homosexual during a time when it was illegal in England. He underwent chemical castration and faced mistreatment due to his sexuality.
  • Tragically, he died in 1954 by ingesting cyanide through an apple. In 2009, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown publicly apologized for the mistreatment Turing endured. 

Turing and Captcha

  • The concept of Captcha, utilized to confirm human presence in computer systems, operates as a reverse Turing test.
  • Captcha stands for ‘Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart,’ contrasting the Turing test introduced by Alan Turing himself.

Turing’s Theory

  • In the 1930s, Turing developed a theory emphasizing that if a human interacting with a machine couldn’t differentiate its responses from those of another human, the machine would pass the Turing test. 

Bombe and Code Breaking

  • Turing’s notable achievement during World War II involved breaking the German ‘Enigma’ code. He developed the electromechanical cryptanalysis machine known as Bombe, pivotal in decoding German secrets for the Allies. 

Contributions to Computing

  • Turing introduced two fundamental concepts in his 1936 paper ‘Computable Number’ while at King’s College, Cambridge—algorithms and computing machines. 

Turing Machine

  • Turing’s most enduring contribution was the concept of the Turing machine. He proposed a machine using a tape to inscribe simple instructions, allowing the machine to read and process these instructions based on coded algorithms.

Sources: Indian Express

Mains Question

Discuss the significance of the London Summit on the safe use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Elaborate on India’s role and potential contribution to the ongoing global conversation on AI governance, considering its historical involvement in regulating advanced technologies.