Historic with a small h

Counting caste is first step towards honest political engagement with the real differences and disparities


  • GS Paper 1 Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
  • GS Paper 2 Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
  • Tags: #castesurvey #bihar #census #currentaffairs #upsc.

Why in the News?

  • On October 2, 2023, the Bihar government unveiled the Population Report based on the Caste Census of Bihar. For far too long, the decision to collect caste data has been considered political, while the deliberate decision not to collect it has been treated as non-political.
  • With the release of the Bihar caste count results, it’s time to explore the politics of not counting caste and its implications. This article delves into the significance of caste data, its role in modern politics, and why it’s imperative for India to engage with caste differences openly and honestly.


The Historic Bihar Caste Count

  • The Bihar Comprehensive Caste Survey (CCS) is a historic event as it marks the first large-scale exercise to publicly release caste-related results.
  • While states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, and even the Union government, have collected comprehensive caste data in the past, the data was never made public.
  • However, the Bihar government has not yet released supplementary data on the socio-economic status of caste groups, which is essential for a holistic understanding of caste disparities.
  • Without this additional information, the Bihar CCS remains historic but with a small “h.”

The Significance of Caste Data in Modern Politics

  • In today’s world, states are defined not only by their monopoly over legitimate violence but also by their control over aggregated social statistics.
  • Nationwide numbers play a crucial role in the exercise and maintenance of political power. Caste data is particularly important because it reflects real differences in society.
  • To call for unity without addressing these differences is to practice dishonest politics. True political unity involves negotiating and addressing these differences, not suppressing or denying them.

The Role of Social Statistics in Modern Democracies

  • Social statistics, which describe our collective identity, are critical in shaping public perceptions, beliefs, and feelings. Controlling these statistics is essential for those in power.
  • Authoritarian regimes often target institutions that produce social statistics on factors like growth, employment, health, and inflation to maintain their control. Caste data is unique in that it reveals smaller identity-containers (castes) within the larger national framework, making it a potent tool for highlighting social inequalities.

The Argument Against Caste Enumeration

  • The main argument against caste enumeration has been that it may solidify caste divisions and hinder progress toward a casteless society.
  • While there is some truth in this argument, it is overshadowed by the reality of existing caste inequalities. Censoring or suppressing these divisions does not eliminate them. Acknowledging and addressing caste disparities is essential before striving for a caste-free future.

The Return of Caste Discourse

  • Caste inequalities resurfaced in Indian politics in the 1990s, challenging the long-held notion that caste issues were irrelevant or non-existent.
  • The current regime is attempting to mute discussions about caste differences, but it is not addressing the underlying issues. Counting caste is not a cure-all, but it is the necessary first step toward honestly engaging with caste disparities.
  • Counting caste is not solely about refining welfare programs or electoral strategies; it’s about recognizing that caste matters—it regulates life chances in contemporary India.
  • True political unity can only be achieved by acknowledging and addressing these differences rather than pretending they don’t exist.
  • Caste counting is a messy and contentious process, but it is a crucial step toward a more accountable and inclusive political representation. The Bihar CCS may be the small first step in this direction.
Understanding Caste-Based Surveys

1. Objective of the Survey

– Bihar state government’s initiative to collect detailed socio-economic data on various castes, sub-castes, and religious groups within Bihar’s population.

2. Scale of the Survey

– Covering a population of 12.70 crore across Bihar’s 38 districts.

3. Reasons for a Caste Census

– Incomplete Data: Standard Census misses OBC data, hindering policy formulation.

   – Targeted Policies: Comprehensive data helps create effective caste-specific policies.

   – Constitutional Clarification: Defines roles of state and central governments.

   – Inclusive Governance: Tailors policies for marginalized groups.

   – Evidence-Based Decision-Making: Enables data-driven governance.

4. Union Government’s Stand

– Deemed socio-economic caste census unfeasible and administratively challenging.

   – Historic Policy Decision: Excluded castes beyond SCs and STs since 1951.

– Official Discouragement of Caste: Maintained since 1951 Census.

– Previous Survey Flaws: Data flaws in the 2011 Socio-Economic and Caste Census.

5. Challenges to the Survey

Constitutional Jurisdiction: Central government’s exclusive right to conduct censuses.

Census Act Compliance: Absence of formal notification under the Census Act.

– Executive Order Controversy: Data collection through an executive order raises privacy concerns.

– State vs. Central Mandate: Debate over the state’s authority to conduct censuses.

– Privacy Apprehensions: Privacy concerns regarding personal data collection. 

6. The Way Forward

Legal Resolution: Await Supreme Court’s verdict for constitutional clarity.

Collaboration with Central Government: Seek endorsement and collaboration for legitimacy.

Privacy Safeguards: Implement stringent privacy measures.

Balanced Implementation: Prioritize unbiased data collection.

– Effective Use of Data: Translate survey outcomes into targeted policies.


Bihar Caste Census Report 2023: Key Details

1. OBCs and EBCs

– Bihar’s current population: 13,07,25,310.

– OBCs: 27% of the population, totaling 3,54,63,936 individuals.

– EBCs: 36% of the population, constituting 4,70,80,514 individuals.

– Signifying their significant presence and influence in Bihar’s social and political landscape.

2. Forward Castes

– “Forward” castes (General category): Only 15.5% of the state’s population.

– Challenges the historical dominance of these castes in various spheres of life, reflecting shifting caste-based politics.

3. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

– SCs: Comprise about 20% of the population, approximately 2.6 crore individuals.

– STs: Form just 1.6% of the population, around 22 lakh people.

– Highlighting their crucial role in Bihar’s social fabric and the need for their upliftment.

4. Sub-Castes Breakdown

– Provides percentage-wise data on prominent sub-castes in Bihar.

– Offers a starting point for understanding the state’s diverse caste dynamics.

5. OBC Population Discrepancy

– The survey reveals OBC population at 27%, in contrast to the Mandal Commission’s 1980 estimate of 52%.

– Raises questions about the efficacy of reservation policies and the quest for equitable representation.

6. Other facts

– The report highlights the substantial presence of OBCs and EBCs, challenging traditional caste dynamics.

– Calls for revisiting reservation policies, promoting equitable representation, empowering marginalized groups, addressing sub-caste diversity, fostering education and awareness, encouraging social justice dialogues, ensuring data transparency, emphasizing economic development, engaging civil society, and maintaining a long-term perspective for positive societal change in Bihar.

Sources: Indian Express

Mains Question

“Discuss the significance of collecting caste data in contemporary Indian politics, emphasizing its role as a tool for addressing social disparities and promoting political accountability. Analyze the potential consequences of not counting caste in the context of democratic governance. Assess the historical and political implications of the Bihar Comprehensive Caste Survey (CCS) as a milestone in this debate.”