An unforgettable presidency.


  • GS 2: Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
  • Tags: #G20India #IndianSoftPower #ModiAtG20 # IndianExpressEditorialAnalysis #UPSC

Why in the News?

The G20 Summit held in New Delhi has pushed India onto the global stage as an influential player. Under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, India showcased its governing power, cultural richness, and an alternative vision to China, while retaining its core values.

G20 Showcase: India’s Global Standing



The G20 Summit in India has sparked discussions about whether it signifies India’s emergence as a key player in the international arena, akin to how the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics showcased China’s rise.

  • Comparison with China Some have drawn parallels between India’s G20 hosting and China’s Olympics, but it’s too early to definitively conclude.
  • Chinese Perspective Chinese leaders might prefer to withhold judgment on India’s global standing to maintain their own position of influence.
  • This approach aligns with a story about an elderly Chinese Premier’s reserved response to the French Revolution’s impact in Paris many years ago.

India’s G20 Presidency: A Game-Changer

It’s crucial to maintain patience and take a long-term perspective when assessing India’s presidency of the G20.

  • Objectively evaluating India’s presidency and the events of the past year reveals a clear conclusion: the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.
  • The G20 presidency has granted New Delhi a level of significance and influence rarely witnessed in modern Indian history.
  • Critics may focus on minor details, like the choice of cultural greetings, such as shehnai or Garba, but these minor issues become insignificant when viewed from a broader perspective.
  • India’s approach has demonstrated both wisdom and cleverness, bordering on craftiness, while enhancing its international standing.
  • Importantly, despite increasing its gravitas on the global stage, India has managed to retain its unique identity and values.

India’s Convening Power Shines at the G20 Summit

The G20 Summit underscored India’s ability to gather and bring together a diverse group of nations on a single platform. This convening power reflects India’s growing stature in global diplomacy.

  • India demonstrated its skill in fostering consensus among the G20 member nations.
  • The G20 has evolved from its origins in addressing financial crises to addressing a wide range of global challenges.
  • India’s role in building agreement among these nations highlights its diplomatic influence.
  • The absence of China’s Xi Jinping, who chose not to attend the summit, can be seen as a deliberate attempt to downplay India’s role.
  • Vladimir Putin’s absence due to the conflict in Ukraine is noted.

Despite his absence, the summit continued, indicating that while his participation would have been valuable, it was not essential for the event’s overall success.

Delhi Declaration: A Remarkable Consensus on Global Issues

There may be minor disagreements about specific words or sentences in the Delhi Declaration, which is the official statement produced at the G20 Summit. These disagreements are seen as common in such diplomatic documents

Bureaucratic Language

  • Some parts of the declaration might be filled with complex bureaucratic language (referred to as “gobbledegook”).
  • One particular sentence is highlighted as being especially unclear; it talks about the use or threat of using nuclear weapons as “inadmissible,” meaning it should not be allowed.

Consensus Reached

  • Despite these minor issues, the main point is that the G20 members were able to agree on the declaration as a whole.
  • This means that all 20 countries found the document acceptable and comfortable, even if they had some differences in wording.

Uniting Diverse Nations

  • The remarkable achievement of getting countries with diverse interests, such as Russia, the United States, China, Saudi Arabia, and European nations, to agree on the declaration.
  • This document covers various global issues, including the conflict in Ukraine, climate change, gender equality, sustainable development goals (SDGs), financial inclusion, terrorism, and money laundering.

India’s Cultural Resurgence on the Global Stage

The G20 Summit and the numerous associated meetings held across India provided a platform to display the rich diversity, vibrant culture, and intellectual prowess of the Indian people to the global audience. This showcased India’s unique identity on the world stage.

Confidence Boost

  • The events demonstrated a new found vigor and confidence among the Indian population.
  • It marked a departure from the past when self-doubt often overshadowed India’s civilizational strength.
  • This newfound self-assuredness is an essential source of India’s influence.

Soft Power Transformation

  • The term “soft power,” often used to describe a nation’s cultural influence, falls short in capturing India’s deep and enduring cultural heritage.
  • India’s cultural strength is a resilient and potent form of power that has been underestimated.

Global Dialogue Hub

  • India’s successful hosting of the G20 Summit positions it as a primary destination for international discussions and debates on even the most contentious global issues.
  • It highlights India’s emergence as a global hub for diplomacy and dialogue.


  • India’s reputation for offering remarkable hospitality, which further enhances its global appeal as a host for international events.

New Delhi Summit: India’s Emergence as an Alternative to China

Global Recognition

  • The New Delhi G20 Summit marked a turning point where many countries worldwide began to see India as a viable alternative to China in various aspects.

Economic Corridor Announcement

  • During the G20 Leaders’ summit in Delhi, a significant announcement was made about the development of an economic corridor linking Europe, the Middle East, and India.
  • This corridor would utilize a combination of rail and sea routes, offering an alternative connectivity option.

Response to Belt and Road Initiative

  • This announcement can be viewed as a response to China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which has raised concerns about debt-related issues among participating countries.
  • The new economic corridor proposal presents an alternative to the BRI, potentially providing more sustainable and economically viable connectivity options.

India’s G20 Presidency: Upholding Core Values and Global Responsibility

Core Values Retained

  • India is seen as having held onto its fundamental values and principles.
  • This suggests that India did not compromise its foundational beliefs even when dealing with practical political considerations.

Space and Conscience

  • India is noted for maintaining both its physical space and its moral compass.
  • This implies that India protected its territorial integrity and moral values while engaging in international diplomacy.

Theme of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

  • The theme chosen for India’s G20 presidency, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” meaning “one earth, one family, one future,” is highlighted.
  • This theme signifies India’s commitment to global unity and cooperation.

Commitment to Address Global Challenges

  • The Preamble and text of the Declaration during India’s presidency emphasized the critical moment in history where the decisions made would impact the future of people and the planet.
  • It stressed a philosophy of living in harmony with the environment and the commitment to take tangible actions to address global challenges.

India’s Role as the Voice of an Alternative Vision

Global South as an Analytical Category

  • India has emerged as a prominent advocate for an alternative global vision, challenging traditional paradigms.
  • This term generally refers to countries in the less economically developed regions of the world.

Indian Stack and Open-Source Software

  • Indian Stack, described as a collection of open APIs and digital public goods aiming to enable identity, data, and payment solutions at a large scale, holds significant potential.
  • India may share this technology as open-source software, making it accessible to many parts of the world.

World Bank’s Endorsement

  • The World Bank’s G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion document, released before the summit, recognizes the transformative impact of Digital Public Infrastructures (DPIs) in India.
  • It highlights how initiatives like the JAM Trinity (Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile) has substantially increased financial inclusion from 25% to over 80% of adults in six years, offering lessons for the global community.

 Inclusion of the African Union in G21

  • India’s insistence on including the African Union in what is now referred to as the G21 reflects its alternative vision.
  • This stance suggests that India seeks to maintain a balance between practical considerations (head) and humanitarian or ethical considerations (heart) in international relations.

The G20 Summit was undeniably dominated by Prime Minister Modi’s leadership. Once criticized, he received widespread praise from top world leaders. His presidency set a high benchmark that will be hard to match. While previous G20 presidencies fade from memory, India’s is likely to be remembered. Credit goes to the Prime Minister for his exceptional leadership and for assembling a highly skilled organizing team, including an outstanding facilitator

Source: Indian Express

Mains Question

Analyze the significance of the G20 Summit in India as a platform for global diplomacy and its impact on India’s international standing?