Daily News Analysis.

Standing Committee on Statistics: Meeting (Syllabus: GS-2 (Governance, constitution, polity, social justice and International relations).

News: The inaugural meeting of the new Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was held.

  • The recently established Standing Committee on Statistics held its initial meeting and went into great depth about the results of the Annual Survey of Industries and the Annual Survey of Unincorporated Enterprises that have not yet been made public.
  • An essential source of industrial statistics for the registered organized manufacturing sector of the economy, the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) includes data from all enterprises across the nation that are registered under the enterprises Act.
  • It’s anticipated that the survey results for 2020–21 will be made public in 2023.
  • On July 13, 2023, the Standing Committee on Statistics (Sos) was established.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was created by the government in December 2019 and has been given a new name and an expanded area of responsibility.
  • The National Statistical Office (NSO) has given the SCoS a broad scope to examine the methodology and findings of all surveys carried out under its auspices.
  • The National Sample Survey Office (NSO), which was formed in 2019 by the merger of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), is the statistics division of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI).
  • It will upgrade a SCES established in 2019 and give a new internal oversight system for official data.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics has 14 members as of right now. It has a member secretary, nine official members, and four non-official members. The committee may consist of up to 16 people, with the potential to increase this number in response to future needs.

About National Statistical Office:

  • Serves as the focal point for the nation’s planned development of the statistical system.
  • Coordinates the statistics work for the Indian government’s departments and ministries.
  • Creates national accounts and releases annual national product estimates.
  • Keeps in touch with international statistical institutions including the FAO, ILO, IMF, ADB, ESCAP, FAO Statistical Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and others.
  • Creates and publishes monthly “quick estimates” of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • Carries out the ASI, or Annual Survey of Industries.
  • Provides statistical data to analyze the growth, makeup, and organizational changes in the organized manufacturing sector.
  • Organizes and carries out recurring enterprise surveys and all-India economic censuses.

India’s Growth Projection : IMF (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)

News: In its report on the World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicted that the Indian economy will expand by 6.1% in 2023.

Report highlights include:

  • India’s growth rate was predicted by the IMF to be 6.1% in 2023, a 2 percentage point increase from the initial estimate made in April 2023.
  • The global growth rate is forecast to decline from an estimated 5% in 2022 to 3% in both 2023 and 2024, reflecting the “momentum” from greater-than-expected growth in the fourth quarter of 2022 due to stronger domestic investment.
  • One can anticipate a decline in global headline inflation from 8.7% in 2022 to 6.8% in 2023 and 5.2% in 2024.
  • Forecasts for inflation in 2024 have been upgraded, and underlying (core) inflation is expected to drop more gradually.
  • Financial sector as markets respond to further tightening of central bank policy, the turmoil may return.
  • Due to both domestic and international challenges, the US economy has significantly slowed down and is currently in a state of uncertainty.
  • Unresolved real estate issues could delay China’s recovery, with detrimental cross-border spillovers.

About International Monetary Fund: The 190 nations that make up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) strive for sustainable growth and prosperity. In order to boost productivity, job creation, and economic well-being, it accomplishes this by supporting economic policies that encourage monetary cooperation and financial stability. The member nations of the IMF are in charge of it and are responsible to them.

The IMF has three crucial responsibilities:

  • Advancing global monetary cooperation, promoting trade and economic growth, and discouraging unfavorable policies.
  • IMF member nations collaborate with one another with other international organizations to carry out these missions.

World Nature Conservation Day 2023: Theme (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management).

News: The goal of World Nature Conservation Day, which is commemorated on July 28 every year, is to protect natural resources, biodiversity, and ecology worldwide.

World Nature Conservation Day was observed at the National Zoological Park in New Delhi, and it was linked to the objectives of Mission-LiFE.

‘Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet’ is the theme for World Nature Conversation Day in 2023. India’s Prime Minister debuted Mission LiFE at UNFCCC COP26, with the intention of emphasizing individual behaviors in global climate action. LiFE aims to transition away from the wasteful “use-and-dispose” economy and towards a circular economy that is sustainable and based on deliberate and thoughtful consumption.

Mission LiFE: The concept encourages a green lifestyle that emphasizes “mindful and deliberate utilization” as opposed to “mindless and wasteful consumption.”

India advanced the LiFE vision by launching the LiFE Global Movement on June 5, 2022, World Environment Day, and inviting academics, researchers, and start-ups from around the world to consider concrete, scientific ways in which the full power of collective action can be harnessed to address the environmental crisis.

As it is founded on the fundamental tenets of “Lifestyle of the planet, for the planet, and by the planet,” the Mission strengthens the Pro Planet People (P3) model.

It promotes the circular economy, where ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ can aid in finding a balance between advancement, economic expansion, and sustainability.

ULLAS Initiative : Launched Logo And slogan (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management).

News: In New Delhi, the Union Minister of Education unveiled the ULLAS logo, tagline, and mobile application.

The Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society (ULLAS) initiative has the potential to transform literacy and education in the country. By supporting a learning environment that reaches every person and closes the literacy and life skills gap, this is accomplished.

It provides residents aged 15 and older who missed the chance to attend school with a basic education, digital and financial literacy, and essential life skills. It is being carried out by volunteers.

The initiative’s slogan is “ULLAS: Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram.” The user-friendly, interactive ULLAS app, which is accessible on both Android and iOS, was released with this objective in mind.

It would provide as a digital entry point for students to engage with a variety of learning resources via the NCERT DIKSHA portal. Both surveyors and self-registration are options for registering learners and volunteers using the ULLAS app.

About DIKSHA Portal: A national platform for school education, DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) is a project of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which is overseen by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.

  • Since its 2017 launch by the Honourable M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India, practically all States, Union Territories, and central autonomous bodies/boards, including CBSE, have accepted DIKSHA.
  • The Strategy and Approach Paper for the National Teacher Platform, which was published by the then-honorable Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javdekar, in September 2017, served as the foundation for DIKSHA. Students and teachers can use DIKSHA anywhere in the nation, and it presently supports 36 Indian languages.
  • Each State/UT uses the DIKSHA platform in a unique way because it is free to create and implement programmes for educators, students, and administrators using the platform’s many features and solutions.
  • The education ecosystem (educators, experts, organizations, institutions – government, autonomous institutions, non-govt., and private organizations) can participate, contribute, and use a common platform to leverage learning goals at scale for the country thanks to DIKSHA policies and tools.

Worldcoin Project : Re-introduced (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management).

News: The CEO of OpenAI formally reintroduced his Worldcoin initiative, which had been overshadowed by ChatGPT’s success.

The Worldcoin Project aims to build a digital network where everybody can have a stake and participate in the digital economy.

This business operates on a straightforward principle: in exchange for allowing your eyes to be scanned to verify your human uniqueness, you will earn some cryptocurrency and an ID (known as a World ID).

Worldcoin volunteers known as “Orb operators” scan a person’s iris pattern using a gadget called “Orb” to acquire their biometric data and assist them in obtaining a World ID through the World app.

Through the app, scanned users can make purchases with their World ID or collect Worldcoin [WLD], a cryptocurrency, at regular intervals. The “proof of personhood” procedure ensures that individuals do not sign up for multiple accounts in exchange for cryptocurrency by preventing this from happening.

Globally accessible is what Worldcoin claims it is creating. Worldcoin lists 18 places where Orb operators are eye-scanning people, primarily in Bangalore, Noida, and Delhi.








Standing Committee on Statistics: Meeting (Syllabus: GS-2 (Governance, constitution, polity, social justice and International relations)


News: The inaugural meeting of the new Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was held.


  • The recently established Standing Committee on Statistics held its initial meeting and went into great depth about the results of the Annual Survey of Industries and the Annual Survey of Unincorporated Enterprises that have not yet been made public.
  • An essential source of industrial statistics for the registered organised manufacturing sector of the economy, the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) includes data from all enterprises across the nation that are registered under the enterprises Act.
  • It’s anticipated that the survey results for 2020–21 will be made public in 2023.
  • On July 13, 2023, the Standing Committee on Statistics (Sos) was established.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was created by the government in December 2019 and has been given a new name and an expanded area of responsibility.
  • The National Statistical Office (NSO) has given the SCoS a broad scope to examine the methodology and findings of all surveys carried out under its auspices.
  • The National Sample Survey Office (NSO), which was formed in 2019 by the merger of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), is the statistics division of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI).
  • It will upgrade a SCES established in 2019 and give a new internal oversight system for official data.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics has 14 members as of right now. It has a member secretary, nine official members, and four non-official members. The committee may consist of up to 16 people, with the potential to increase this number in response to future needs.


National Statistical Office:



  • Serves as the focal point for the nation’s planned development of the statistical system.
  • Coordinates the statistics work for the Indian government’s departments and ministries.
  • Creates national accounts and releases annual national product estimates.
  • Keeps in touch with international statistical institutions including the FAO, ILO, IMF, ADB, ESCAP, FAO Statistical Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and others.
  • Creates and publishes monthly “quick estimates” of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • Carries out the ASI, or Annual Survey of Industries.
  • Provides statistical data to analyze the growth, makeup, and organizational changes in the organized manufacturing sector.
  • Organizes and carries out recurring enterprise surveys and all-India economic censuses.


India’s Growth Projection : IMF (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)

News: In its report on the World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicted that the Indian economy will expand by 6.1% in 2023.


Report highlights include:


  • India’s growth rate was predicted by the IMF to be 6.1% in 2023, a 2 percentage point increase from the initial estimate made in April 2023.
  • The global growth rate is forecast to decline from an estimated 5% in 2022 to 3% in both 2023 and 2024, reflecting the “momentum” from greater-than-expected growth in the fourth quarter of 2022 due to stronger domestic investment.
  • One can anticipate a decline in global headline inflation from 8.7% in 2022 to 6.8% in 2023 and 5.2% in 2024.
  • Forecasts for inflation in 2024 have been upgraded, and underlying (core) inflation is expected to drop more gradually.
  • Financial sector: As markets respond to further tightening of central bank policy, the turmoil may return.
  • Due to both domestic and international challenges, the US economy has significantly slowed down and is currently in a state of uncertainty.
  • Unresolved real estate issues could delay China’s recovery, with detrimental cross-border spillovers.


International Monetary Fund: The 190 nations that make up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) strive for sustainable growth and prosperity. In order to boost productivity, job creation, and economic well-being, it accomplishes this by supporting economic policies that encourage monetary cooperation and financial stability. The member nations of the IMF are in charge of it and are responsible to them.


The IMF has three crucial responsibilities:

  • Advancing global monetary cooperation, promoting trade and economic growth, and discouraging unfavourable policies.
  • IMF member nations collaborate with one another with other international organisations to carry out these missions.


World Nature Conservation Day 2023: Theme (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: The goal of World Nature Conservation Day, which is commemorated on July 28 every year, is to protect natural resources, biodiversity, and ecology worldwide.


World Nature Conservation Day was observed at the National Zoological Park in New Delhi, and it was linked to the objectives of Mission-LiFE.

‘Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet’ is the theme for World Nature Conversation Day in 2023.

India’s Prime Minister debuted Mission LiFE at UNFCCC COP26, with the intention of emphasizing individual behaviors in global climate action.

LiFE aims to transition away from the wasteful “use-and-dispose” economy and towards a circular economy that is sustainable and based on deliberate and thoughtful consumption.


Mission LiFE: The concept encourages a green lifestyle that emphasises “mindful and deliberate utilisation” as opposed to “mindless and wasteful consumption.”


India advanced the LiFE vision by launching the LiFE Global Movement on June 5, 2022, World Environment Day, and inviting academics, researchers, and start-ups from around the world to consider concrete, scientific ways in which the full power of collective action can be harnessed to address the environmental crisis.


As it is founded on the fundamental tenets of “Lifestyle of the planet, for the planet, and by the planet,” the Mission strengthens the Pro Planet People (P3) modeL.


It promotes the circular economy, where ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ can aid in finding a balance between advancement, economic expansion, and sustainability.


ULLAS Initiative : Launched Logo And slogan (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: In New Delhi, the Union Minister of Education unveiled the ULLAS logo, tagline, and mobile application.

The Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society (ULLAS) initiative has the potential to transform literacy and education in the country.

By supporting a learning environment that reaches every person and closes the literacy and life skills gap, this is accomplished.

It provides residents aged 15 and older who missed the chance to attend school with a basic education, digital and financial literacy, and essential life skills. It is being carried out by volunteers.

The initiative’s slogan is “ULLAS: Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram.”

The user-friendly, interactive ULLAS app, which is accessible on both Android and iOS, was released with this objective in mind.

It would provide as a digital entry point for students to engage with a variety of learning resources via the NCERT DIKSHA portal.

Both surveyors and self-registration are options for registering learners and volunteers using the ULLAS app.


DIKSHA Portal: A national platform for school education, DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) is a project of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which is overseen by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.

  • Since its 2017 launch by the Honourable M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India, practically all States, Union Territories, and central autonomous bodies/boards, including CBSE, have accepted DIKSHA.
  • The Strategy and Approach Paper for the National Teacher Platform, which was published by the then-honorable Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javdekar, in September 2017, served as the foundation for DIKSHA. Students and teachers can use DIKSHA anywhere in the nation, and it presently supports 36 Indian languages.
  • Each State/UT uses the DIKSHA platform in a unique way because it is free to create and implement programmes for educators, students, and administrators using the platform’s many features and solutions.
  • The education ecosystem (educators, experts, organisations, institutions – government, autonomous institutions, non-govt., and private organisations) can participate, contribute, and use a common platform to leverage learning goals at scale for the country thanks to DIKSHA policies and tools.

Worldcoin Project : Re-introduced (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: The CEO of OpenAI formally reintroduced his Worldcoin initiative, which had been overshadowed by ChatGPT’s success.

The Worldcoin Project aims to build a digital network where everybody can have a stake and participate in the digital economy.

This business operates on a straightforward principle: in exchange for allowing your eyes to be scanned to verify your human uniqueness, you will earn some cryptocurrency and an ID (known as a World ID).

Worldcoin volunteers known as “Orb operators” scan a person’s iris pattern using a gadget called “Orb” to acquire their biometric data and assist them in obtaining a World ID through the World app.

Through the app, scanned users can make purchases with their World ID or collect Worldcoin [WLD], a cryptocurrency, at regular intervals.

The “proof of personhood” procedure ensures that individuals do not sign up for multiple accounts in exchange for cryptocurrency by preventing this from happening.

Globally accessible “world’s largest identity and financial public network” is what Worldcoin claims it is creating.

Worldcoin lists 18 places where Orb operators are eye-scanning people, primarily in Bangalore, Noida, and Delhi.















Standing Committee on Statistics: Meeting (Syllabus: GS-2 (Governance, constitution, polity, social justice and International relations)


News: The inaugural meeting of the new Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was held.


  • The recently established Standing Committee on Statistics held its initial meeting and went into great depth about the results of the Annual Survey of Industries and the Annual Survey of Unincorporated Enterprises that have not yet been made public.
  • An essential source of industrial statistics for the registered organised manufacturing sector of the economy, the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) includes data from all enterprises across the nation that are registered under the enterprises Act.
  • It’s anticipated that the survey results for 2020–21 will be made public in 2023.
  • On July 13, 2023, the Standing Committee on Statistics (Sos) was established.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was created by the government in December 2019 and has been given a new name and an expanded area of responsibility.
  • The National Statistical Office (NSO) has given the SCoS a broad scope to examine the methodology and findings of all surveys carried out under its auspices.
  • The National Sample Survey Office (NSO), which was formed in 2019 by the merger of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), is the statistics division of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI).
  • It will upgrade a SCES established in 2019 and give a new internal oversight system for official data.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics has 14 members as of right now. It has a member secretary, nine official members, and four non-official members. The committee may consist of up to 16 people, with the potential to increase this number in response to future needs.


National Statistical Office:



  • Serves as the focal point for the nation’s planned development of the statistical system.
  • Coordinates the statistics work for the Indian government’s departments and ministries.
  • Creates national accounts and releases annual national product estimates.
  • Keeps in touch with international statistical institutions including the FAO, ILO, IMF, ADB, ESCAP, FAO Statistical Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and others.
  • Creates and publishes monthly “quick estimates” of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • Carries out the ASI, or Annual Survey of Industries.
  • Provides statistical data to analyze the growth, makeup, and organizational changes in the organized manufacturing sector.
  • Organizes and carries out recurring enterprise surveys and all-India economic censuses.


India’s Growth Projection : IMF (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)

News: In its report on the World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicted that the Indian economy will expand by 6.1% in 2023.


Report highlights include:


  • India’s growth rate was predicted by the IMF to be 6.1% in 2023, a 2 percentage point increase from the initial estimate made in April 2023.
  • The global growth rate is forecast to decline from an estimated 5% in 2022 to 3% in both 2023 and 2024, reflecting the “momentum” from greater-than-expected growth in the fourth quarter of 2022 due to stronger domestic investment.
  • One can anticipate a decline in global headline inflation from 8.7% in 2022 to 6.8% in 2023 and 5.2% in 2024.
  • Forecasts for inflation in 2024 have been upgraded, and underlying (core) inflation is expected to drop more gradually.
  • Financial sector: As markets respond to further tightening of central bank policy, the turmoil may return.
  • Due to both domestic and international challenges, the US economy has significantly slowed down and is currently in a state of uncertainty.
  • Unresolved real estate issues could delay China’s recovery, with detrimental cross-border spillovers.


International Monetary Fund: The 190 nations that make up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) strive for sustainable growth and prosperity. In order to boost productivity, job creation, and economic well-being, it accomplishes this by supporting economic policies that encourage monetary cooperation and financial stability. The member nations of the IMF are in charge of it and are responsible to them.


The IMF has three crucial responsibilities:

  • Advancing global monetary cooperation, promoting trade and economic growth, and discouraging unfavourable policies.
  • IMF member nations collaborate with one another with other international organisations to carry out these missions.


World Nature Conservation Day 2023: Theme (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: The goal of World Nature Conservation Day, which is commemorated on July 28 every year, is to protect natural resources, biodiversity, and ecology worldwide.


World Nature Conservation Day was observed at the National Zoological Park in New Delhi, and it was linked to the objectives of Mission-LiFE.

‘Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet’ is the theme for World Nature Conversation Day in 2023.

India’s Prime Minister debuted Mission LiFE at UNFCCC COP26, with the intention of emphasizing individual behaviors in global climate action.

LiFE aims to transition away from the wasteful “use-and-dispose” economy and towards a circular economy that is sustainable and based on deliberate and thoughtful consumption.


Mission LiFE: The concept encourages a green lifestyle that emphasises “mindful and deliberate utilisation” as opposed to “mindless and wasteful consumption.”


India advanced the LiFE vision by launching the LiFE Global Movement on June 5, 2022, World Environment Day, and inviting academics, researchers, and start-ups from around the world to consider concrete, scientific ways in which the full power of collective action can be harnessed to address the environmental crisis.


As it is founded on the fundamental tenets of “Lifestyle of the planet, for the planet, and by the planet,” the Mission strengthens the Pro Planet People (P3) modeL.


It promotes the circular economy, where ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ can aid in finding a balance between advancement, economic expansion, and sustainability.


ULLAS Initiative : Launched Logo And slogan (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: In New Delhi, the Union Minister of Education unveiled the ULLAS logo, tagline, and mobile application.

The Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society (ULLAS) initiative has the potential to transform literacy and education in the country.

By supporting a learning environment that reaches every person and closes the literacy and life skills gap, this is accomplished.

It provides residents aged 15 and older who missed the chance to attend school with a basic education, digital and financial literacy, and essential life skills. It is being carried out by volunteers.

The initiative’s slogan is “ULLAS: Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram.”

The user-friendly, interactive ULLAS app, which is accessible on both Android and iOS, was released with this objective in mind.

It would provide as a digital entry point for students to engage with a variety of learning resources via the NCERT DIKSHA portal.

Both surveyors and self-registration are options for registering learners and volunteers using the ULLAS app.


DIKSHA Portal: A national platform for school education, DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) is a project of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which is overseen by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.

  • Since its 2017 launch by the Honourable M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India, practically all States, Union Territories, and central autonomous bodies/boards, including CBSE, have accepted DIKSHA.
  • The Strategy and Approach Paper for the National Teacher Platform, which was published by the then-honorable Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javdekar, in September 2017, served as the foundation for DIKSHA. Students and teachers can use DIKSHA anywhere in the nation, and it presently supports 36 Indian languages.
  • Each State/UT uses the DIKSHA platform in a unique way because it is free to create and implement programmes for educators, students, and administrators using the platform’s many features and solutions.
  • The education ecosystem (educators, experts, organisations, institutions – government, autonomous institutions, non-govt., and private organisations) can participate, contribute, and use a common platform to leverage learning goals at scale for the country thanks to DIKSHA policies and tools.

Worldcoin Project : Re-introduced (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: The CEO of OpenAI formally reintroduced his Worldcoin initiative, which had been overshadowed by ChatGPT’s success.

The Worldcoin Project aims to build a digital network where everybody can have a stake and participate in the digital economy.

This business operates on a straightforward principle: in exchange for allowing your eyes to be scanned to verify your human uniqueness, you will earn some cryptocurrency and an ID (known as a World ID).

Worldcoin volunteers known as “Orb operators” scan a person’s iris pattern using a gadget called “Orb” to acquire their biometric data and assist them in obtaining a World ID through the World app.

Through the app, scanned users can make purchases with their World ID or collect Worldcoin [WLD], a cryptocurrency, at regular intervals.

The “proof of personhood” procedure ensures that individuals do not sign up for multiple accounts in exchange for cryptocurrency by preventing this from happening.

Globally accessible “world’s largest identity and financial public network” is what Worldcoin claims it is creating.

Worldcoin lists 18 places where Orb operators are eye-scanning people, primarily in Bangalore, Noida, and Delhi.






Standing Committee on Statistics: Meeting (Syllabus: GS-2 (Governance, constitution, polity, social justice and International relations)

News: The inaugural meeting of the new Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was held.


The recently established Standing Committee on Statistics held its initial meeting and went into great depth about the results of the Annual Survey of Industries and the Annual Survey of Unincorporated

  • Enterprises that have not yet been made public.
  • An essential source of industrial statistics for the registered organised manufacturing sector of the economy, the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) includes data from all enterprises across the nation that are registered under the enterprises Act.
  • It’s anticipated that the survey results for 2020–21 will be made public in 2023.
  • On July 13, 2023, the Standing Committee on Statistics (Sos) was established.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was created by the government in December 2019 and has been given a new name and an expanded area of responsibility.
  • The National Statistical Office (NSO) has given the SCoS a broad scope to examine the methodology and findings of all surveys carried out under its auspices.
  • The National Sample Survey Office (NSO), which was formed in 2019 by the merger of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), is the statistics division of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI).
  • It will upgrade a SCES established in 2019 and give a new internal oversight system for official data.
  • The Standing Committee on Statistics has 14 members as of right now. It has a member secretary, nine official members, and four non-official members. The committee may consist of up to 16 people, with the potential to increase this number in response to future needs.


National Statistical Office:



  • Serves as the focal point for the nation’s planned development of the statistical system.
  • Coordinates the statistics work for the Indian government’s departments and ministries.
  • Creates national accounts and releases annual national product estimates.
  • Keeps in touch with international statistical institutions including the FAO, ILO, IMF, ADB, ESCAP, FAO Statistical Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and others.
  • Creates and publishes monthly “quick estimates” of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • Carries out the ASI, or Annual Survey of Industries.
  • Provides statistical data to analyze the growth, makeup, and organizational changes in the organized manufacturing sector.
  • Organizes and carries out recurring enterprise surveys and all-India economic censuses.


India’s Growth Projection : IMF (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)

News: In its report on the World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicted that the Indian economy will expand by 6.1% in 2023.


Report highlights include:


  • India’s growth rate was predicted by the IMF to be 6.1% in 2023, a 2 percentage point increase from the initial estimate made in April 2023.
  • The global growth rate is forecast to decline from an estimated 5% in 2022 to 3% in both 2023 and 2024, reflecting the “momentum” from greater-than-expected growth in the fourth quarter of 2022 due to stronger domestic investment.
  • One can anticipate a decline in global headline inflation from 8.7% in 2022 to 6.8% in 2023 and 5.2% in 2024.
  • Forecasts for inflation in 2024 have been upgraded, and underlying (core) inflation is expected to drop more gradually.
  • Financial sector: As markets respond to further tightening of central bank policy, the turmoil may return.
  • Due to both domestic and international challenges, the US economy has significantly slowed down and is currently in a state of uncertainty.
  • Unresolved real estate issues could delay China’s recovery, with detrimental cross-border spillovers.


International Monetary Fund: The 190 nations that make up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) strive for sustainable growth and prosperity. In order to boost productivity, job creation, and economic well-being, it accomplishes this by supporting economic policies that encourage monetary cooperation and financial stability. The member nations of the IMF are in charge of it and are responsible to them.


The IMF has three crucial responsibilities:

  • Advancing global monetary cooperation, promoting trade and economic growth, and discouraging unfavourable policies.
  • IMF member nations collaborate with one another with other international organisations to carry out these missions.


World Nature Conservation Day 2023: Theme (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: The goal of World Nature Conservation Day, which is commemorated on July 28 every year, is to protect natural resources, biodiversity, and ecology worldwide.


World Nature Conservation Day was observed at the National Zoological Park in New Delhi, and it was linked to the objectives of Mission-LiFE.

‘Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet’ is the theme for World Nature Conversation Day in 2023.

India’s Prime Minister debuted Mission LiFE at UNFCCC COP26, with the intention of emphasizing individual behaviors in global climate action.

LiFE aims to transition away from the wasteful “use-and-dispose” economy and towards a circular economy that is sustainable and based on deliberate and thoughtful consumption.


Mission LiFE: The concept encourages a green lifestyle that emphasises “mindful and deliberate utilisation” as opposed to “mindless and wasteful consumption.”


India advanced the LiFE vision by launching the LiFE Global Movement on June 5, 2022, World Environment Day, and inviting academics, researchers, and start-ups from around the world to consider concrete, scientific ways in which the full power of collective action can be harnessed to address the environmental crisis.


As it is founded on the fundamental tenets of “Lifestyle of the planet, for the planet, and by the planet,” the Mission strengthens the Pro Planet People (P3) modeL.


It promotes the circular economy, where ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ can aid in finding a balance between advancement, economic expansion, and sustainability.


ULLAS Initiative : Launched Logo And slogan (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: In New Delhi, the Union Minister of Education unveiled the ULLAS logo, tagline, and mobile application.

The Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society (ULLAS) initiative has the potential to transform literacy and education in the country.

By supporting a learning environment that reaches every person and closes the literacy and life skills gap, this is accomplished.

It provides residents aged 15 and older who missed the chance to attend school with a basic education, digital and financial literacy, and essential life skills. It is being carried out by volunteers.

The initiative’s slogan is “ULLAS: Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram.”

The user-friendly, interactive ULLAS app, which is accessible on both Android and iOS, was released with this objective in mind.

It would provide as a digital entry point for students to engage with a variety of learning resources via the NCERT DIKSHA portal.

Both surveyors and self-registration are options for registering learners and volunteers using the ULLAS app.


DIKSHA Portal: A national platform for school education, DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) is a project of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), which is overseen by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.

  • Since its 2017 launch by the Honourable M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India, practically all States, Union Territories, and central autonomous bodies/boards, including CBSE, have accepted DIKSHA.
  • The Strategy and Approach Paper for the National Teacher Platform, which was published by the then-honorable Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javdekar, in September 2017, served as the foundation for DIKSHA. Students and teachers can use DIKSHA anywhere in the nation, and it presently supports 36 Indian languages.
  • Each State/UT uses the DIKSHA platform in a unique way because it is free to create and implement programmes for educators, students, and administrators using the platform’s many features and solutions.
  • The education ecosystem (educators, experts, organisations, institutions – government, autonomous institutions, non-govt., and private organisations) can participate, contribute, and use a common platform to leverage learning goals at scale for the country thanks to DIKSHA policies and tools.

Worldcoin Project : Re-introduced (Syllabus: GS-3 Technology, Economic development, biodiversity, environment security and disaster management)


News: The CEO of OpenAI formally reintroduced his Worldcoin initiative, which had been overshadowed by ChatGPT’s success.

The Worldcoin Project aims to build a digital network where everybody can have a stake and participate in the digital economy.

This business operates on a straightforward principle: in exchange for allowing your eyes to be scanned to verify your human uniqueness, you will earn some cryptocurrency and an ID (known as a World ID).

Worldcoin volunteers known as “Orb operators” scan a person’s iris pattern using a gadget called “Orb” to acquire their biometric data and assist them in obtaining a World ID through the World app.

Through the app, scanned users can make purchases with their World ID or collect Worldcoin [WLD], a cryptocurrency, at regular intervals.

The “proof of personhood” procedure ensures that individuals do not sign up for multiple accounts in exchange for cryptocurrency by preventing this from happening.

Globally accessible “world’s largest identity and financial public network” is what Worldcoin claims it is creating.

Worldcoin lists 18 places where Orb operators are eye-scanning people, primarily in Bangalore, Noida, and Delhi.