Nutri Garden Project : Lakshadweep

News: Lakshadweep’s Nutri Garden initiative has become a resounding success.

The Nutri Garden project is a way to grow nutrient-rich food all year long for a family by planting and harvesting it near or in residential homes.

Growing nutrient-rich crops for individual or group consumption is a cost-effective strategy to advance wellbeing and well health.

It is governed by the Ministry of Women and Children.

Promoting nutri kitchen gardening in urban settings can take the shape of rooftop, terrace, vertical, and container planting.

The promotion of nutritional kitchen gardens in backyards of homes is possible in rural locations.

Food and vitamin supplies are more readily available thanks to Nutri Garden.

It may provide as an additional source of income.

The harvested crops are chemical-free, fresh, and safe.

By using a sustainable life cycle approach, it helps combat both undernutrition and overnutrition.