350th Anniversary Of The Coronation Of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj:

News: At the Maharashtrian fort of Raigad, celebrations for the 350th anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s coronation just got under way.

The Maratha Empire in western India was founded by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Shahaji Bhosle and Jijabai gave birth to him on February 19, 1630, in the Shivneri fort, close to the town of Junnar in the Pune area.

Shivaji carved away an enclave from the waning Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur with his bravery and excellent administrative abilities.

It ultimately gave rise to the Maratha Empire.

Shivaji, who is regarded as the founder of the Indian navy, was the first to recognise the value of having a maritime force and, as a result, strategically built forts and a navy along the coastline to protect Maharashtra’s Konkan region.

He was a secular leader who showed great tolerance for all religions. His army had a sizable number of Muslim warriors.

Shivaji consistently stood out for women and their honour. Anyone caught violating a woman’s rights while under his authority would face harsh punishment.

He had a ministerial council (Asht Pradhan) to advise him on questions of state, although he was not obligated to follow their advice.

He went by the moniker “Mountain Rat” and was well-known for using guerrilla tactics in battle.

He earned this nickname for his knowledge of the terrain of his region and his employment of guerilla tactics against his foes, including ambushes, raids, and surprise attacks.