Swachh Jal Se Suraksha Campaign Report:

News: Report outlining the improvements made during the Swachh Jal se Suraksha (SJSS) Campaign, or Jal Jeevan Mission.

The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) concentrated on the vital issue of offering a reliable supply of safe water.

The supply of safe water is one of the main factors under JJM.

This emphasised how crucial it is to guarantee that every home has access to clean water that satisfies the required requirements for purity.

The SJSS Campaign’s widespread water quality monitoring in villages was one of its major accomplishments.

A remarkable 4.47 lakh villages (74.46%) underwent testing for bacteriological contamination, notably post-monsoon, whereas 5.39 lakh villages (89.69% of the total) reported testing for chemical parameters.

Testing of drinking water samples in classrooms and anganwadi centres was emphasised by the SJSS Campaign.

Water samples from a total of 6.58 lakh schools (67.63%) and 7.16 lakh anganwadi centres (67.43%) were tested, ensuring that young students had access to safe drinking water.

The best-performing states were Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh, demonstrating their commitment to and efficiency in carrying out the SJSS Campaign.