INS Tarini

News: At the “flag in” ceremony on May 23 at the Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre (INWTC), INS Mandovi, Goa, the six-person crew of the INSV Tarini, including two women officers, will be officially welcomed into the Indian Navy.

After successfully completing the 17000 nautical mile trans-ocean, cross-continental journey in seven months, INSV Tarini is heading home.

The ‘flag in’ ceremony will highlight the crew’s remarkable bravery, tenacity, and endurance, particularly that of the two female officers who took part in the entire voyage.

The two female officers travelled on the ship for more than 188 days from Goa to Rio de Janeiro through Cape Town and back.

The Navy’s next major undertaking is to send a woman on a solo round of the globe, and the current sailing trip of INSV Tarini is a component of that preparation.

Following a thorough selection process at the Ocean Sailing Node (OSN), the officers who took part in this trip were chosen from a pool of volunteers.

The Ocean Sailing Node, headquartered at INS Mandovi, was founded on August 24, 2016, with the intention of promoting and carrying out ocean sailing activities.