Solar Energy Corporation Of India Limited

News: The Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) Miniratna Category-I designation has been granted to the Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI).

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy’s main implementing body for renewable energy programmes and projects is Solar Energy Corporation of India.

It started operating in 2011.

Over 56 GW worth of Renewable Energy (RE) project capabilities have been awarded.

It has the highest credit rating possible from ICRA, AAA.

Criteria for awarding CPSEs Miniratna status:

Miniratna Category-I classification is available to CPSEs that have generated a profit for the last three years in a row, had a pre-tax profit of at least 30 crores in at least one of those three years, and had a positive net value.

Miniratna Category-II status: CPSEs that have a positive net worth and have generated profits for the last three years straight are eligible to be evaluated for the award of Miniratna-II status.