Siren sphagnicola: Eel Like Aquatic Species

News: The aquatic salamander species known as Siren Sphagnicola, which is long and eel-like, lives in seepage sites in the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain of the United States.

The family Sirenidae includes the long, eel-like aquatic salamanders known as sirens.

Siren and Pseudobranchus are the two current genera that make up this family, which is a member of the order Caudata (salamanders).

All extant sirens have lidless eyes, lateral compressed tails with fin blades, and external gills with comb-like filaments.

They also lack pelvic girdles and the corresponding hindlimbs, which is a salamander-only characteristic.

Despite Siren’s prevalence in some aquatic settings, surprisingly little study has been done on the interspecific variations in this genus’s natural history and phylogeography.