G7 Ministers Meet

News: The G7 nations promised to abandon fossil fuels more quickly and urged other nations to do the same, but they were unable to reach an agreement on new dates for doing away with dirty energy sources like coal.

An international grouping of the seven most developed countries was established in 1975.

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States are all members.

It meets once a year to talk about topics like international security, energy policy, and global economic governance.

The G7 summit’s host nation, usually referred to as the presidency, alternates yearly among the participating nations.

It was formerly known as the G-8 until 2014, when Russia was expelled for annexing Crimea.

G7 nations will account for 10% of worldwide population in 2022, 31% of global GDP, and 21% of global carbon dioxide emissions.