Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration (RLV-TD)

News: At the Aeronautical Test Range in Challakere, Karnataka, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) effectively completed the landing experiment for the Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration (RLV-TD) programme.

The RLV-TD was dropped by an Indian Air Forces (IAF) Chinook aircraft from a height of 4.5 kilometers, and ISRO carried out the RLV-TD’s landing experiment according to schedule.

This vehicle was autonomously released because it completed an autonomous landing on the airstrip and conducted approach and landing manoeuvres using an Integrated Navigation, Guidance, and Control system.

A winged body has been lifted to a height of 4.5 km for the first time ever.

It is the second of the programme’s run of experimental flights.

Technology for Reusable Launch Vehicles A series of technology demonstration flights known as the “demonstration programme” are being planned as the first step towards the development of a completely reusable, two-stage to orbit (TSTO) vehicle.

A Winged RLV-TD has been set up to serve as a flying test platform for assessing different technologies, including powered cruise flight, autonomous landing, and hypersonic flight.

Through a succession of test flights, these technologies will be developed in stages.

The complexity of RLV-TD is comparable to that of an aircraft and includes both launch vehicle and aircraft complexity.

Its parts include a body (fuselage), a snout cap, two delta wings, and two vertical tails.

Elevons and Rudder, symmetrically positioned active control surfaces, are another characteristic.