INS Androth : Launched


News: Recently, the second of eight Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Craft (ASW SWC), the INS Androth, was deployed.


An anti-submarine warfare shallow water craft is INS Androth. (ASW SWC).

For the Indian Navy, it is constructed in Kolkata by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE).

The main duties include mine-laying operations, low-intensity maritime operations, and anti-submarine activities in coastal waters.

Additionally, it has the ability to conduct coordinated ASW operations with aircraft and conduct full-scale sub-surface surveillance of coastal waterways and different surface platforms.


It has the following characteristics: It is only 2.7 metres deep and measures about 77.6 metres long by 10.5 metres broad.

It is moved by three water jets that are powered by diesel.

It is capable of reaching a top pace of 25 knots.

It is equipped with 16.7 mm stabilised remote-controlled guns, a close-in weapon system (with a 30 mm gun), ASW missiles, mines, and light torpedoes.

It will be equipped with a low-frequency variable depth sonar and hull-mounted radar.