Candida Auris : Deadly Fungus

News: The United States is currently experiencing a rapid spread of the drug-resistant and possibly fatal fungus “Candida Auris.”


A multi-drug resistant fungus called Candida Auris (C. auris) can cause invasive illnesses in people.

It was initially discovered in Japan in 2009.


The majority of documented cases of the fungus have occurred in medical facilities like hospitals and nursing homes.

It is widely believed that it spreads through person-to-person contact or contact with contaminated surfaces.

The people most at risk of getting the fungus are those who have recently been hospitalized, have other medical problems, and have invasive devices.

The organism can be impacted by C. auris in two different ways.


Symptoms: Because its symptoms frequently resemble those of other prevalent diseases, diagnosing it can be challenging.

The most typical signs of C.auris are fever and chills that persist even after receiving antibiotic therapy.

Mortality Rate: It is thought to range from 30 to 60%.

Echinocandins, an antifungal drug, are effective in treating the majority of C. auris infections.