Moon Time Zone

News: The need for a global clock for the moon was emphasised by the European Space Agency.

The purpose of MOON TIME ZONE is to facilitate communication between the different nations and organisations, both public and private, that are planning missions to and around the moon.

The lunar day and night cycle lasts around 29.5 days on Earth.

Presently, Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), which is the same timekeeping system used on Earth, is utilised to measure the time on the Moon.

It would be challenging to use UTC for routine tasks on the Moon due to the Moon’s longer day than the Earth’s.

Scientists and academics have proposed developing a lunar time zone based on the Moon’s day and night cycles to remedy this issue.

It would be simpler for lunar settlers to keep track of time and plan their activities as a result.

It would be simpler for scientists and researchers to carry out experiments and gather data on the Moon if there were a lunar time zone.

Additionally, it would aid in avoiding misunderstandings and mistakes that might result from using different timekeeping systems on Earth and the Moon.