“Indian constitution has components that ensure its dynamic nature and that it changes with the needs of time”.Critically analyze

Indian Constitution is a living document that has provisions to change according to the needs of the people and time.

  • Amendments to the Constitution: As per the Article 368, Constitution can be amended through simple or special majority to meet the needs of people.
  • The recent amendments made by providing reservations to Economically Weaker Sections, constitutional backing to the National Commission for Backward Classes etc. can be attributed to the same.
  • Similarly, 42nd Amendment Act has included provisions for secularism, socialism etc. as vision for the nature of
  • The Supreme Court through judicial review has enlarged the scope of the judiciary. It gave verdicts that the decisions taken by the Speaker in the Anti defection law are subject to judicial review.
  • In addition, SC evolved the basic structure doctrine and put a brake on the unlimited amending power of the Parliament.
  • The Directive Principles of State Policy are added as non justiciable features considering the incapacity of the state post independence. Still, the government has enacted progressive legislation to achieve the same.

Thus, it can be mentioned that the Constitution has principles which allow for expansion in the future and it has to be adapted to the changes that may take place in human affairs.