Pink Dolphin Rescued From a Colombian River

News: A mother and her youngster of pink river dolphins that were stuck in shallow water in a river in Colombia have been saved.


  • The pink dolphin, commonly referred to as the pink river dolphin or boto, is an Amazon River dolphin that only inhabits freshwater.
  • Throughout large portions of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela’s Amazon and Orinoco river basins, it can be found.
  • The river dolphin has great hearing and is smaller than other saltwater dolphin species.
  • Pink dolphins have relatively little blubber, thus they must reside in warm, shallow waters.
  • Pink dolphins lack the dorsal fin found on ocean-dwelling dolphins and instead have a hump.
  • The term “pink dolphin” refers to the fact that these dolphins typically get increasingly pink as they get older.
  • By using echolocation, these animal species can identify the size and shape of any nearby objects.
  • IUCN status for conservation: Endangered