Underwater Noise Emissions

News: The Marine Environment is in danger due to the increasing Underwater Noise Emissions (UNE) from ships in Indian waters, according to a News Research titled “Measuring Underwater Noise Levels Radiated by Ships in Indian Waters.”


  • By deploying a hydrophone autonomous system around 30 nautical miles off the Goa coastline, the ambient noise levels were measured.


Key Findings of the Study:


  • The sound pressure levels of the UNE in the Indian waters range from 102-115 decibels (dB re 1 Pa).
  • According to a scientific consensus, the reference pressure for underwater sound is 1 Pa.
  • The level on the East Coast is little higher than on the West.
  • There is a noticeable increase of roughly 20 dB relative to 1 Pa.
  • Constant shipping activity has been found to be a significant factor in the rise in ocean noise levels worldwide.
  • Animals like bottlenose dolphins, manatees, pilot whales, seals, and sperm whales are at risk from UNE.
  • Marine mammals use sound as their primary source of energy for a variety of behaviours, including mating, social engagement, feeding, cluster cohesion, and foraging.