US Scientist Recently Discovered Quasicrystals

News: The main distinction between a quasi-crystal and a regular crystal is that a quasi-atomic crystal’s patterns do not repeat like those of a regular crystal. These hardly ever happen naturally. but can be produced artificially.

  • Only two naturally occurring quasicrystals have been found thus far.
  • The third naturally occurring quasicrystal was just recently discovered, and it was unintentionally created by an electric discharge.
  • Lightning or downed power lines were likely to blame for this.
  • Quasicrystals are intriguing substances with an unusual confluence of qualities.
  • They serve as evidence of the strength and beauty of asymmetry in the natural world.
  • Typically, quasi-crystals are created in laboratories.
  • High pressure and temperature are necessary for quasi crystals to create these non-repeating atomic structural patterns.
  • That very rarely happens naturally.
  • They are employed in the production of razor blades, dental tools, acupuncture and surgical needles, and non-stick frying pans.
  • Dan Shechtman, an American-Israeli physicist, discovered quasicrystals in a lab setting in 1982.
  • 2011’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Chemistry was to Dan Shechtman, who discovered quasicrystals.