Attitude is an important component that goes as input in the development of human being. How to build a suitable attitude needed for a public servant?

A person’s attitude can be thought of as how they react to their surroundings, either positively or adversely. The workplace has an impact on a person’s mindset. An attitude is a tendency that is generally stable. It has a significant impact on how a person develops.

The purpose (knowledge) of life is provided by attitudes. The requirement for a consistent, stable world is referred to as the knowing function. This offers us a sense of control by enabling us to anticipate what is most likely to occur. Our experiences can be organised and structured by our attitudes.

The government is represented by its employees. A public servant is thought to need an optimistic outlook more than any other quality.


Ways to build suitable attitude for a public servant:

Organisation and Negotiating Skills: Any position in the public sector requires one to manage a variety of projects with varied levels of importance as well as numerous stakeholders and personalities. As part of his or her job, a person may need to negotiate with other departments or exert influence over others.

  • Creativity and Flexible Thinking: The ability to adapt to change and think creatively around problems is a necessity in this field.
  • Leadership: One would be interested in learning how to become a great leader, inspiring and encouraging people around him/her to act, in both the civil service and public affairs.
  • Determination Skills: Under pressure, one would need to make difficult decisions. He or she would be someone who wouldn’t hesitate to find solutions, no matter how challenging.
  • Teamworking Skills: Working with a wide range of individuals with various abilities and attributes would be involved. He or she would need to understand how to inspire them and collaborate with them.
  • Ability to Work Alone: A significant portion of one’s work will include independent thought and the capacity to develop solutions on one’s own. He or she would be someone who could focus during this period.