44th Edition Of The Coveted Annual ISO COPOLCO Plenary

News: The 44th annual ISO COPOLCO Plenary will take place in India from May 23–26, 2023, in New Delhi.

COPOLCO: The International Organisation for Standardization’s Committee on Consumer Policy

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), India’s national standards authority, is in charge of organising this event.

The ISO COPOLCO Plenary is expected to have a substantial impact on both the world economy and people’s daily lives.

The ISO COPOLCO conference is regarded as the important international gathering when delegates from ISO member nations come together to discuss and formulate plans for speeding the global standardisation process.

ISO members are also COPOLCO members.

International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)

The national standards organisations from 168 different nations make up the members of ISO, an independent, non-governmental international organisation.

Geneva, Switzerland is home to the Central Secretariat.

One of the original ISO members is India.