Why in the news?

  • Research warns 90% of the Himalayan region could face prolonged droughts with a 3°C global warming.
  • Adhering to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal can mitigate 80% of heat stress exposure in India.
Source:the mirror

About the Himalayan Drought Risk:

  • Severity Projection: Research suggests 90% of the Himalayan region could face droughts lasting over a year with a 3-degree Celsius global warming.
  • Impact on India: Adherence to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5-degree Celsius goal can avoid 80% of increased heat stress exposure in India.
  • Research Findings: Studies from the University of East Anglia reveal escalating risks like droughts, floods, crop yield declines, and biodiversity loss with each degree of warming.
What is Global Warming?

●   Definition: Gradual rise in Earth’s temperature.

●   Cause: Greenhouse effect from elevated carbon dioxide, CFCs, and pollutants.

●   Result: Environmental impacts like climate change.

What is IPCC(The intergovernmental panel on climate change)?

●   IPCC: UN body assessing climate change science.

●   Established in 1988 by WMO and UNEP.

●   Provides policymakers with scientific assessments on climate change, impacts, risks, and adaptation/mitigation options.

What is the SECURE Himalaya Project?

●   Initiative: Part of the “Global Partnership on Wildlife Conservation and Crime Prevention for Sustainable Development” (Global Wildlife Program)

●   Supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

●   Objective: Promotes sustainable management of alpine pastures and forests in the high range Himalayan ecosystems.