13th Edition Exercise Bold Kurukshetra

News: At Jodhpur Military Station in India, Exercise Bold Kurukshetra was attended by the Singapore Army and the Indian Army.

Exercise Brave Kurukshetra, a military drill between the Singaporean and Indian armies, is in its thirteenth year.

Both armies took part in a command post exercise for the first time in the series, which included computer wargaming and planning components at the battalion and brigade levels.

The 42nd Battalion, Singapore Armoured Regiment, and an Armoured Brigade of the Indian Army participated in the exercise, which was hosted by the Indian Army.

It involves improving interoperability through a computer simulation-based wargame using joint operational and tactical procedures under the supervision of a joint command post, and analysing mechanised warfare in terms of emerging threats and evolving technologies.

This exercise, which was first carried out in 2005, highlights the long-standing bilateral defence connection between the two nations and strengthens coordination between the two forces.

Regular interactions between the two defence establishments also take the form of high-level visits, policy discussions, courses, and other professional exchanges.