Vishwakarma scheme.


GS Paper-2 Governance

Tags: #vishwakarmascheme #independencedayscheme #poors #workers #artisans #skilledworkers.

Why in news?

In 15th August 2023, Independence-day speech, honorable Prime Minister has announced a host of schemes for skilled workers, women self-help groups and the urban poor among others.

He said the government will launch the Vishwakarma scheme, with an allocation of 13,000 crore to ₹15,000 crore, for skilled work like barbers, goldsmiths, washer men etc. The scheme will be launched in September, on the Vishwakarma Jayanti. Vishwakarma Jayanti falls on 17 September 2023.

What is Vishwakarma scheme?


The PM Vishwakarma Scheme aims to improve the quality, scale and reach of products and services of artisans and craftspeople and to integrate them with the domestic and global value chain. This would result in the economic empowerment of such workers, especially those belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Communities, women, transgender and other weaker sections of the society.

He emphasized that schemes like PM Svanidhi Yojana, Mudra Yojana, and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana have collectively aided around 13.5 crore Indians in lifting themselves out of poverty, including women self-help groups, by providing them with 15,000 drones and necessary training.


  • The scheme is expected to have a significant impact on the lives and livelihoods of traditional artisans and craftsmen.
  • It will help them to enhance their income, productivity, quality, and competitiveness.
  • It will help them to access new markets, both domestic and international, and increase their customer base.
  • It will help them to preserve their identity, dignity, and cultural heritage.
  • It will contribute to the overall development of the rural economy and society


  • Globalization and Mass Production: The influx of mass-produced goods and globalization can threaten the demand for traditional crafts, as consumers may opt for cheaper and more easily accessible alternatives.
  • Inadequate Data: The absence of a comprehensive and up-to-date database or census of traditional artisans makes it challenging to accurately identify their numbers, needs, and geographic distribution. This lack of data hampers the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of schemes aimed at supporting artisans.
  • Low investment in Innovation: Some artisans may be resistant to adopting new technologies, designs, or market trends due to a preference for traditional methods or limited exposure to modern innovations. This can impact the competitiveness and relevance of their products.
  • Issue of Protection: Intellectual property rights (IPR) issues are significant concerns for artisans. Many of their unique designs and techniques are vulnerable to infringement or unauthorized replication. A lack of awareness about IPR protection mechanisms leaves artisans susceptible to exploitation.
  • Market Accessibility: Limited market access and challenges in reaching consumers directly can restrict the growth of traditional artisans. They may struggle to compete with mass-produced, cheaper alternatives flooding the market.
  • Transfer of skills: Traditional knowledge and skills are often passed down through generations. As younger generations move away from traditional practices, there is a risk of the skills and knowledge being lost if not adequately preserved and transferred.
  • Lack of Awareness: Many artisans and craftsmen are often unaware of the various government schemes, financial support, and training opportunities available to them. This lack of awareness prevents them from accessing the resources that could help improve their skills and businesses.
  • Training and Infrastructure: Adequate infrastructure, access to raw materials, and specialized training facilities are essential for artisans to enhance their craft. The lack of these facilities can hinder skill development and product quality improvement.
  • Lack of Coordination: The involvement of multiple government agencies and departments in implementing various schemes can lead to a lack of coordination, resulting in duplication of efforts and gaps in service delivery. Streamlining these efforts could enhance the effectiveness of support programs.

To make Vishwakarma Yojana a success, we need to establishing a single nodal agency or authority with representatives from relevant ministries and departments can enhance coordination and streamline the implementation of the scheme.

Source: Press Trust Of India.

Mains Question:

What are the aim and significance of Vishwakarma scheme. what are the challenges in its implementation. Discuss